Qi Macros For Excel 2010 Free Download
For All Versions of Excel 2000-2010 Table. At qimacros.com/qimacrosexcel-tips.html Free QI Macros Video Tour. To QI Macros User Guide. Download QI Macros for free. QI Macros SPC Software for Excel is an affordable, easy-to-use Excel add-in for all of your data analysis needs.
Also, existing macros will not be affected by opening the doc in Starter. Existing macros will NOT be stripped from docs when you open them in starter. Starter is intended PRIMARILY to frustrate you into buying the full version. As such it has 2 'features' (limitations). Lil Wayne The Carter 3 Free Album Download Zip on this page. First, it is 'crippleware'.
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Uses for QI Macros QI Macros software is known by a variety of names, including QI Macros SPC Software for and Excel SPC Software. According to the company that produces it, there are over 100,000 users of QI Macros, including many hospitals and manufacturers. Originally in use by project leaders for conducting analysis and creating charts in Excel, it is being billed by the company as a the standard for and 'No Belts' (business leaders without extensive Six Sigma training) for Lean Six Sigma, which is a combination of the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. QI Macros is long on Six Sigma capabilities, with some Lean tools and techniques built in as well.
The company website provides a comparison of QI Macros and Minitab, the heavy-hitting analysis package that many Six Sigma teams use. Chances are many Green Belts and some Black Belts will be able to do everything they need with QI Macros and Excel, while some Black Belts and Master Black Belts will need the advanced capabilities and more esoteric functions in Minitab. The familiar Excel interface reduces the learning curve and makes it a viable option for anyone who needs to create control charts, conduct statistical analysis or perform data manipulations. Capability The feature set of QI Macros has expanded extensively over the years, including a full array of Six Sigma options as well as some Lean tools such as Value Stream Mapping and a Lean Scorecard. It boasts over 30 different charts, including histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, box-and-whiskers plots and an assortment of. It can handle statistical analysis such as ANOVA, t-tests, regression, normality testing and sample size requirement calculations.
It also has 'fill-in-the-blank' templates to be used for creating, Gage R&R tests, Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Design of Experiments (DOE). In addition, users can manipulate data for charting or analysis purposes using built-in features such as pivot tables, word counts for text data and stacking data. Additional capabilities include creation of process maps, SIPOC diagrams (Suppliers-Inputs-Process-Outputs-Customers) and. Usability Because QI Macros is integrated into the Excel interface, users will find it fairly easy to learn and start using. Upon installation, there is an option to select the traditional menu-and-toolbar interface or the newer ribbon style interface that started with Excel 2007.
They both provide the same capabilities, so the choice of which one to use is simply a matter of user preference and comfort. For access to both, choose the Excel 2007 ribbon style and view the Classic version using the Add-ins ribbon instead of the QI Macros ribbon. A one-hour webinar is offered for new users to learn about the program and a 35-page user guide is provided in PDF form. Also included are an SPC quick reference card and a guide to selecting the right type of chart for your data. The company site offers video tutorials for many of the most common activities, such as creating control charts and conducting analysis.
Creating charts from data is quite straightforward. Simply highlight the data set, then using the QI Macros menu or ribbon select the chart that you want to generate. For instance, to create a scatter plot, simply highlight your data, select Scatter plot and either accept the default entries for Chart Title, X-axis label and Y-axis label or type in what you want to use for this settings.
The calculations are automatically generated in a new worksheet next to the data set and the chart is generated in another new worksheet. The design of the chart can be modified using Excel's chart design features. Users can select any of a variety of depending on the type of data being analyzed.
For users who are unsure about the correct type of control chart, QI Macros offers a Control Chart Wizard which uses an algorithm to create the appropriate chart based on the. It may simply generate a chart or first present one or more dialog boxes with questions you must answer. I would recommend verifying any selection that is made using this automatic tool. The fill-in-the-blank templates are quite helpful for anyone who has trouble understanding how to initially set up their data in Excel for charting and analysis. Just use the template and supply the data in the appropriate areas; charts and calculations will automatically update. Users will need to install the Analysis Toolpak Add-in if they have not yet done so in order to use the ANOVA and Analysis tools in QI Macros.