Activate Central Address Management Sapling
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Introduction Starting with Basis Release 6.1, SAP introduced its Business Address Services (BAS) which is central to the SAP Central Address Management (CAM) functionality. Originally, SAP stored address information directly in master records for customers, vendors etc. However, it soon became clear that there needed to be a central method for handling addresses across the SAP platform. The SAP Address Solution Therefore, SAP came up with this new method for storing address information.
It is a flexible way to maintain address and communication information across the range of customers, vendors and business interests. Instead of storing this information directly in the customer master records, for instance, a record is created in a central address table called ADRC and the unique Address Number ADRNR is stored in the master record. SAP SmartForms – Address Node SmartForms makes it quick and easy to access the correct address information and display it properly on your SmartForms document. There are basically three simple steps that you need to take to print address information formatted according to the postal regulations of the sender country. The SmartForms Address node will do the rest for you. • Create a Window node that will contain the printed address information • Under the Window node, create a Program Lines node and write code to abtain the correct Address Number • Create an Address node and populate it with the Address Number and specific formating options.
Basic ABAP code to obtain an address number might look something like this example. * Get Sales Org Address Information SELECT SINGLE adrnr INTO z_adrnr FROM tvko 'Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations WHERE vkorg = z_hd_org-salesorg. Address Types There are three basic Address Types to choose from as shown below. Each address type requires a specific address number key. The field containing the Address number is determined dynamically using code similar to that shown above.
A more detailed example is shown later in this article. • Organization Address (Business) – Requires a single ten-digit address number • Private Address (Specific person) – Requires a person number and an address number • Workplace Address (Contact persons) – Require a person number and an address number Note: The address number field must have a valid value at the time of output. If not, the output process is terminated with a runtime error that you may not be unitelligible. Therefore, use the Address Condition in the address node to check to see if there is an address number present. This really makes it easy to access and display address information. You can get additional information on the Address Node in SmartForms and SAP’s Central Address Management on pages 119-123 in the SAP Press book entitled by Werner Hertleif and Chistoph Wachter. Multiple Phone and Fax Numbers But what happens if there are muliple phone numbers, fax numbers or e-mail addresses associated with an address?
Where are they stored and how can you access them? This is handled in several different tables including the ADRT table which keys off of the same Address Number. It also contains fields for PERSNUMBER, COMM_TYPE and CONSNUMBER. These fields allow multiple records of the same type to be stored. Business Address Services (BAS) The actual phone numbers are stored in the ADR2 table with flags indicating the default number. Following is a list of tables that make up the Business Address Services (BAS).
ADRC Address ADRCT Address Texts ADRT Communication Data Text ADR2 Telephone Numbers ADR3 Fax Numbers ADR4 Teletex Numbers ADR5 Telex Numbers ADR6 E-mail Addresses ADR7 Remote Mail Addresses ADR8 X.400 Numbers ADR9 RFC Destinations ADR10 Printer ADR11 SSF ADR12 FTP and URL ADR13 Pager ADR14-16 Reserved Communication Method Identifying and Retrieving Specific Numbers In order to specify the purpose of each phone number you can enter an identifying text in the REMARK field such as Retail or Consumer. In this way you can write code to pull the exact phone number when multiple phone numbers are available. Example SmartForm ABAP Code The following ABAP code is an example of how to access address information from the Central Address Management (CAM) frame work within a program node in a SmartForms document. Input Paramaters IS_BILL_INVOICE Output Parameters Z_ADRNR Z_TEL_NUMBER DATA: z_consnumber TYPE adrt-consnumber, lv_flagcomm2 TYPE adrc-flagcomm2, lv_flagcomm6 TYPE adrc-flagcomm6, lv_flagcomm12 TYPE adrc-flagcomm6. CLEAR: z_hd_org, z_adrnr, z_consnumber, lv_flagcomm2, lv_flagcomm6, lv_flagcomm12.
* Get Address Number for Sales Org SELECT SINGLE adrnr INTO z_adrnr FROM tvko WHERE vkorg = z_hd_org-salesorg. * Get Address Information for Sales Org SELECT SINGLE tel_number fax_number flagcomm2 flagcomm6 flagcomm12 INTO (z_tel_number, z_fax_number, lv_flagcomm2, lv_flagcomm6, lv_flagcomm12) FROM adrc WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr.
* Check for multiple Telephone Numbers IF lv_flagcomm2 = 'X'. SELECT SINGLE kunag vkorg vtweg spart INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF vbrk FROM vbrk 'Billing Document: Header Data WHERE vbeln = is_bil_invoice-hd_gen-bil_number. * Get Customer Group SELECT SINGLE kvgr1 INTO z_kvgr1 FROM knvv 'Customer Master Sales Data WHERE kunnr = vbrk-kunag AND vkorg = vbrk-vkorg AND vtweg = vbrk-vtweg AND spart = vbrk-spart. 'Consumer SELECT SINGLE consnumber INTO z_consnumber FROM adrt 'Communication Data Text (Business Address Services) WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr AND comm_type = 'TEL' AND remark = 'Consumer'.
'Retail SELECT SINGLE consnumber INTO z_consnumber FROM adrt 'Communication Data Text (Business Address Services) WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr AND comm_type = 'TEL' AND remark = 'Retail'. * Get Phone Number SELECT SINGLE tel_number INTO z_tel_number FROM adr2 'Telephone Number WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr AND consnumber = z_consnumber.
* Get E-mail Address IF lv_flagcomm6 = 'X'. SELECT SINGLE smtp_addr INTO z_smtp_addr FROM adr6 'E-mail Addresses WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr. * Get Internet Address #1 IF lv_flagcomm12 = 'X'.
SELECT SINGLE uri_srch INTO z_uri_srch1 FROM adr12 'FTP or URL Addresses WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr AND consnumber = '001' AND uri_type = 'HPG'. * Get Internet Address #2 SELECT SINGLE uri_srch INTO z_uri_srch2 FROM adr12 WHERE addrnumber = z_adrnr AND consnumber = '002' AND uri_type = 'HPG'.
Conclusion The SAP Central Address Management (CAM) system puts all addressing information in the same location. This makes it quick and convenient to access and print address information on SAP SmartForms and other output. Special Note: All user addresses, external addresses and communication partner addresses (maintained with transaction SAD0) have been converted to the new central address management (Business Address Services) for Release 4.0. The transaction SAD0 is no longer supported. User addresses and their company addresses can be maintained in the user maintenance (transaction SU01).
The user address can also be changed in the SAPoffice settings. External company addresses and contact person addresses can be maintained with the transactions SOAD and SOCP respectively. These transactions are in the SAPoffice menu under Administration ->Company addresses or Administration ->Contact person addresses. The SAPoffice menu is under System ->Services ->Office or the transaction code SOFF. Addresses of other objects (e.g. Organizational units such as Plant or Company code) can no longer be maintained directly, but only in the object-specific maintenance transactions (Plant addresses e.g. In the Plant maintenance in the customizing transaction OX10).
Reference Material [amazonify][/amazonify] You can get a more detailed description of Text Administration in SAP by consulting the SAP Press book entitled “ SAP Smart Forms” by Werner Hertleif and Chistoph Wachter.,,,,,, Post navigation.
Background During their lifetime, conifer trees are exposed to numerous herbivorous insects. To protect themselves against pests, trees have developed a broad repertoire of protective mechanisms. Many of the plant’s defence reactions are activated upon an insect attack, and the underlying regulatory mechanisms are not entirely understood yet, in particular in conifer trees.
Here, we present the results of our studies on the transcriptional response and the volatile compounds production of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris) upon the large pine weevil ( Hylobius abietis) feeding. Results Transcriptional response of Scots pine to the weevil attack was investigated using a novel customised 36. Ahm 250 Material Pdf To Jpg on this page. 4 K Pinus taeda microarray. The weevil feeding caused large-scale changes in the pine transcriptome. In total, 774 genes were significantly up-regulated more than 4-fold (p ≤ 0.05), whereas 64 genes were significantly down-regulated more than 4-fold. Among the up-regulated genes, we could identify genes involved in signal perception, signalling pathways, transcriptional regulation, plant hormone homeostasis, secondary metabolism and defence responses. The weevil feeding on stem bark of pine significantly increased the total emission of volatile organic compounds from the undamaged stem bark area.
The emission levels of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were also increased. Vac Builder Serial Season. Interestingly, we could not observe any correlation between the increased production of the terpenoid compounds and expression levels of the terpene synthase-encoding genes.
Conclusions The obtained data provide an important insight into the transcriptional response of conifer trees to insect herbivory and illustrate the massive changes in the host transcriptome upon insect attacks. Moreover, many of the induced pathways are common between conifers and angiosperms. The presented results are the first ones obtained by the use of a microarray platform with an extended coverage of pine transcriptome (36.4 K cDNA elements). The platform will further facilitate the identification of resistance markers with the direct relevance for conifer tree breeding. Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) is one of the most widespread forest tree species in the Northern boreal zone of Eurasia, where its distribution area ranges from the Atlantic coast of Europe in the west to the Pacific coast near the Sea of Okhotsk in the east [ ].
It is also cultivated on a large scale and has a major economic importance in the timber, pulp and paper industry. However, insect pests and microbial pathogens pose a serious threat to the extensive monospecific Scots pine plantations. Among them, the large pine weevil ( Hylobius abietis L., Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is regarded as one of the most important pine pests, causing damage and mortality of young seedlings [ - ]. The weevil breeds predominantly in the bark of roots of felled conifers. It is a typical ‘silvicultural’ pest of plantation forestry, as it occurs at low density in natural habitats.
However, high weevil populations develop on the abundant root-stumps left in the ground after clear-cuts [ ]. Adult weevils feed on the bark of conifer seedlings during whole summer season, causing high seedling mortality by damaging the bark of the main stem. The adult beetles can live from two to three years. Females lay eggs in June, and feeding is the most active immediately before and at the time of the breeding season.
In August, new adult weevils emerge from roots of pine stumps. Together with adults of earlier generation, they feed on plant bark in August – September before moving below ground to hibernate in October [ ].
During their lifetime, conifer trees are exposed to numerous herbivorous insects with different feeding strategies and preferences (e.g., bark beetles, weevils, budworms). To protect themselves against the insect attacks, trees have developed a broad arsenal of effective protection mechanisms, including the production of specialised compounds exerting repellent, antinutritive, or toxic effect on herbivores. Moreover, the formation of special anatomical features to store and transport those chemicals, and the synthesis of pathogenesis-related proteins are efficient mechanisms to protect the tree from the herbivore attack [, ]. Among others, coniferous trees use the oleoresin, a mixture of non-volatile diterpene acids and a large (20-50%) volatile fraction of mono- and sesquiterpenes [ ], as a viscose defence tool against damaging herbivores and pathogens. The volatilisation of monoterpenes increases the viscosity of the oleoresin finally leading to the resin polymerisation and the formation of a protective solid plug. Resin-storing conifers constitute an important source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mainly dominated by the volatile monoterpenes. In the atmosphere, the conifer VOCs have crucial ecological functions attracting e.g.
Many herbivorous conifer-feeding species and their natural enemies [ ]. In atmospheric processes, the volatile terpenes react with ozone and OH and NO 3 radicals forming secondary organic aerosols [, ]. Preformed mechanical barriers and chemical defences are expressed constitutively irrespective of the presence of herbivores, and they provide an efficient protection against many potential invaders. However, upon the perception of an insect attack plants deploy an active defence response at the site of the attack and often systemically throughout the whole plant body [ ].
The induced defences are believed to be advantageous for the plant fitness, as they require lower resource allocation costs compared with the constitutive barriers [, ]. The activation of plant induced defences is a complex biological process that causes massive changes in gene expression throughout the genome [ ]. Previous studies have shown that hundreds of genes are either up- or down-regulated in response to the herbivore damage. Several groups of genes have repeatedly been described as induced upon an insect attack, i.e. Anti-nutritional proteins (arginases, protease inhibitors, lipoxygenases, peroxidases, polyphenol oxidases and threonine deaminases); potentially toxic proteins (acid phosphatases, chitinases, proteases, hevein-like proteins and leucine aminopeptidases); pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and genes participating in defence-related signalling [ ]. Most of the genome-wide transcriptomics studies were performed on angiosperm plants ( Arabidopsis, tobacco, tomatoes, maize and few others).
Transcriptomics studies on conifer trees have been substantially hampered until recently by lacking of their complete genome sequences [ ]. Mainly for this reason, there are very few reports describing the transcriptional responses of conifers to insect-induced damages [, ]. Responses of conifer trees to herbivory have been additionally analysed at the level of proteome, complementing the data available from transcriptomics studies [ ].
The scarcity of the available information emphasises the necessity for the further work in this direction. In our experiment, we have combined the microarray-based analysis of changes in the gene expression in Scots pine upon weevil feeding with the analysis of VOC emitted by pine trees. This combined approach should provide better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the pine’s induced chemical defences and pinpoint the key genes implicated in the defence against herbivores. Hylobius feeding significantly increased the total bark VOC emissions (by nearly 2.5-fold) when compared to the intact control plants (Table ). The total monoterpenes (MT) emissions (20% of the total VOC emissions) were marginally significantly increased (nearly by 3-fold) in the weevil-damaged plants.
The emissions of 3-carene (by 6-fold) and limonene (by 7.5-fold) were significantly increased in damaged plants compared to the control. The emissions of total sesquiterpenes (SQTs) were also significantly increased (by 8-fold) as well as were the emissions of several individual SQTs from the weevil-damaged plants compared to the control. Finally, six individual SQTs emitted by the Hylobius-damaged seedlings were not detected in the control plants (Table ). The weevil feeding-induced damage has caused substantial changes in the pine gene expression. During the initial analysis of the microarray data, we have identified 1581 differentially expressed genes (fold change ≥ 4, p ≤ 0.05). Out of those, 1174 genes were up-regulated and 407 genes were down-regulated.
However, the adjusted p values for all the genes identified in this way were above 0.05. Trying to find a reason for the low statistical support of our results, we noticed that the gene expression pattern in the sample H1 was remarkably different from the two other H samples (H2 and H3) as well as from all three control samples (data not shown). Therefore, we decided to exclude this sample from the further analysis.
When the analysis was repeated without taking the sample H1 into account, we identified 838 genes that were significantly differentially expressed (adjusted p value ≤ 0.05) (Additional file: Table S1), of which 774 genes were up-regulated more than 4-fold, whereas 64 genes were down-regulated more than 4-fold. Out of those, 549 genes (501 up-regulated and 48 down-regulated genes) returned annotation results from Blast2GO (E-value cut off ≤ 1×10 −6).
The distribution of the weevil-induced genes among GO categories indicates large-scale changes in the plant metabolism occurring in response to the insect attack (Figure ). Additionally, more than 80 genes were associated with the responses to stimuli and/or stress responses. Twenty-five weevil damage-induced genes with the highest fold change are listed in the Table. Among them, putative protease and peptidase inhibitors constitute the most abundant group with 9 representatives, emphasising the role of this class of proteins in the defence against herbivorous insects. On a global scale, many of the pine genes induced by the weevil attack showed a similarity to genes, which are up-regulated in other plant species in response to different types of biotic (e.g., insect or nematode damage, fungal and bacterial infections) and abiotic stresses (wounding, hyperosmotic stress, high salt stress, water deprivation etc.).
Based on the similarity to the Arabidopsis genes, they were classified in several functional groups. Some of those groups (e.g., secondary metabolism, transcriptional regulation, signalling and pathogenesis-related genes) were represented by a high number of transcripts that will be discussed in more details below. SEQ_ID a log2_FC b Adj.
ASeq_IDs correspond to the names of the sequences in the PtNewbler1 assembly available from the Conifer DBMagic database [ ]. BBinary logarithm of the fold change value. CCorrespond to the best hit of BLASTX searches against The Arabidopsis Information Resources (TAIR) database. Genes with a role in signal perception and signalling pathways Perception of pests and pest-induced damage is of a vital importance for the development of induced plant defence responses. In plants, the signal perception is mainly performed by different classes of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptors, either membrane-anchored or soluble ones. The LRR receptors can activate signalling cascades via a physical interaction with protein kinases or, alternatively, they might contain their own kinase domain.
In our experiment, we have observed up-regulation of 5 transcripts showing similarity to LRR receptors and 13 genes encoding putative LRR receptor-like kinases. It should be noted, however, that a number of the predicted LRR receptors (7 isotigs) and LRR receptor-like kinases (4 isotigs) were down-regulated upon the weevil feeding (Additional file: Table S1). Signalling molecules (e.g., jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) and ethylene) play a crucial role in the regulation of plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Among them, JA and ethylene are the key players in the formation of plant response to wounding and insect-induced damage. In our experiment, we have observed the induction of several genes with a known role in the octadecanoid pathway, a biochemical route used by plants to produce JA and methyl jasmonate (MeJA): allene oxide synthase (3 isotigs), 12-oxophytodienoate (OPDA) reductase (4 isotigs) and putative OPDA-CoA ligase (1 isotig).
Additionally, genes showing similarity to A. Thaliana DAF1, the positive activator of chloroplastic phospholipase A1 expression, and to A. Thaliana WR3, the nitrate transporter involved in the JA-dependent signal transduction, were also up-regulated in response to the weevil feeding compared to the control. However, we have also observed an increased expression level of several genes that are known either to attenuate the jasmonate signalling cascade or to negatively control the expression of JA-regulated genes, i.e. The cytochrome CYP94B3 functioning as jasmonoyl-isoleucine-12-hydroxylase and thus reducing the level of JA-Ile (3 isotigs), and JAZ proteins JAZ1 (2 isotigs), JAZ2 (3 isotigs), JAZ9 (1 isotig), JAZ10 (3 isotigs) and JAZ12 (3 isotigs). Some of these genes have been previously reported to be induced by wounding and/or by a fungal infection. Their activation might also be a part of a negative feedback control pathway.
The weevil feeding caused also the induction of a gene with similarity to acetyl CoA:(Z)-3-hexen-1-ol acetyltransferase (CHAT), an enzyme catalysing the formation of (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate [ ]. This compound is the major volatile released upon mechanical wounding or herbivore damage of green leaves as well as conifer needles [, ]. It induces plant defence reactions and may also participate in the plant-to-plant signalling, but its functional role in conifers received very little attention so far. Genes involved i.