Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form Hse
Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form and guidance (RTF: 212KB) Manual handling risk assessments are slightly different to other assessments and require assessors to consider the following while considering the hazards, risks and control measures.
This template Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form can be used to manage the hazards around your workplace caused by manual handling. This Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form follows a logical series of steps, it contains various sections dealing with; • the nature of the load to be moved • the abilities of the employee concerned • the nature of the manual handling task • the working environment in which the manual handling task will take place HOW TO USE THE RISK ASSESSMENT FORM We suggest that you print off a copy of the form and manually write in your findings; the identified hazards and the controls you have and will need. To help you with this process you may refer to: You will see that there is one line already completed for you in italics. This is an example only and is to show the continuity from this Risk Assessment Form through to the Action Plan using the risk assessment reference number (RA Ref No.) and the hazard number (Hz No.) to track through.
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This form refers to an assessment of one person, task and location. If the employee is involved in several distinct tasks or locations you may need to complete a separate risk assessment form for each task/location and accordingly each task/location will have a different risk assessment reference number in the top right hand corner of the form. Once you have hand-written your risk assessment form you may wish to revisit the electronic version and input your data to create a neater more professional looking document. We have set the template fields so as to be sufficient for most levels of information at a limit of 200 characters. Once you have completed your risk assessment form whether hand-written or electronic, you should transfer the information in the ‘further controls/action’ column into your Action Plan so that you can monitor who has carried out the works and when.
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