Virtual Villagers 5 Cheat Codes Ipad

Like the first Virtual Villagers game, the sequel is packed with challenging puzzles and quirks. To help you succeed, I've compiled a list of tips, tricks and cheats to make solving the game less frustrating. There are some spoilers here, so proceed knowing that some of the guesswork is removed. If you haven't downloaded the game yet, you can. For a game walkthrough and hints for Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City see the. Finding more food - if you are running low on food, you can game the food system by sending every available villager to gather food at once.
Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers for iPhone iPod cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.
Send a mass of villagers to harvest crops or a coconut tree and you can often get far more than the normal yield for the food. Game Speed - while playing the game, keep it at Normal or 2xSpeed.
When you step away from the game for an extended period (like 24 hours or more), be sure to pause the game so all your villagers don't die. Villager Skills - Assign skills to each villager on the villager's detail page. You can train villagers by pointing them in the direction of a task you want them to do, like farming or building. Exploration - Gain exploration skills by sending villagers to examine every corner of the map (and all the space in between the corners). - The 16 puzzles require a combination of skills in order to solve. You'll need a certain level of village technology, exploration skills, farming knowledge, and in some cases other puzzles completed prior to completing another puzzle.
This list of tips provides clues for solving each of the puzzles - there are spoilers here, so don't read them if you want to be surprised. Puzzle #1 - Build a fire in the fire pit by dragging a villager to the pile of dry wood in the southwest part of the village. After there's wood in the fire pit, have them find some dry grass west of the coconut trees. After both grass and wood are in the fire pit, drag a villager to the pit so they light the fire. The supply will need to be restocked periodically our your fire will go out.
Puzzle #2 - Build a dam to route water from the stream to a suitable farming location. After getting Level 2 Engineering, drag a villager to the rocks in the middle of the lower end of the stream.
As long as you have the Engineering Tech, you will see a message about building a dam. Puzzle #3 - Build a scarecrow to protect the crops from birds by dragging a Master Farmer to the twisted wood and vines located in the northern corner of the village. You'll need to bring supplies back to the farm area twice in order to get enough supplies to complete the scarecrow. If you don't finish construction on the scarecrow, birds will eat your crops. Puzzle #4 - Make cutting tools to remove overgrown vegetation around the village.
After acquiring Exploration Tech Level 2, drag a Master Scientist to the northern part of the village to the rocks by the twisted wood and vines. Something will be discovered and two trips will be required to make special tools. Puzzle #5 - Master six plants located around the village. You will know each plant is mastered when a message appears on screen. Starting with the odd-looking plant just left of the very dry grass in the northwest part of the village, move clockwise toward the blue flower between the thorns and rocks. Next find the small lavender flower at the north end of the graveyard, followed by the black flowers by the waterfall.
Proceed to the reddish flowers south of the dam. Close with the orangish-red flower at the south edge of the village. Puzzle #6 - You must create the Esteemed Elder, which requires having one villager become a master in three skills.
A totem is created in the village. Puzzle #7 - Remove the algae in the ocean caused by over fishing. After achieving Farming Tech Level 3, take a Master Farmer or Master Scientist to the pond where they will gather algae eating fish used to re-populate the ocean. You will have unrestricted fishing when enough fish are returned to the sea.
Puzzle #8 - Remove vines covering the wall on the east side of the village. Get Level 3 Culture Tech and be sure to complete Puzzle #4 before dragging a villager to the vine-covered wall, the villager will begin cutting away the vines. Puzzle #9 - Make stews for your villagers. Exploration Tech Level 2 is required, along with a cauldron from the wood pile and mastery of at least one of the special plants from Puzzle #5. How to make a stew: 1 - Place a villager on the cauldron to put it on the fire. 2 - Place a villager on the cauldron a second time to get water for the stew. 3 - Place a villager on a mastered plant to gather herbs for the stew.
(Each stew requires 3 herbs) 4 - Place a villager on the cauldron and the villager will add food to the stew. 5 - When the stew is finished, the villager will move the cauldron off the fire. The stews have varying effects on villagers, from curing disease to making them a bit strange. Try different combinations of plants to get different results. Puzzle #10 - Uncover the ancient covered floor in the southeast part of the village by dragging a villager with Level 3 of Engineering Tech and Exploration Tech to the location. Puzzle #11 - Construct a hospital. Get both Engineering Tech and Medicine Tech Level 3 and a foundation will appear for the villagers to construct a hospital.
Puzzle #12 - Build a sewing hut. Get Culture Tech Level 2 and Science Tech Level 2. A foundation will appear for villagers to build on. This sewing hut allows you to change the villagers clothing.
Puzzles 13-16 are all part of the Gong of Wonder, which is the final challenge of the game. The four parts of the Gong of Wonder are: Puzzle #13 - Take 3 Master Builders to the crate on the beach where one of the gong pieces are hidden. Puzzle #14 - Clear thorns blocking access to the gong encasement. With Exploration Tech Level 2, clear away the thorns covering the gong encasement revealing a piece of the gong. Puzzle #15 - Using the stew making steps from Puzzle #9, make a stew to allow a villager to dive for the sunken gong piece in the pond. Use one black flower and two orange-red flowers from the south side of the village.
You can see the required herbs on the wall where you removed vines in an earlier puzzle. Puzzle #16 - With Puzzles #6 and #10 complete, drop the totem in the center of the mosaic discovered in puzzle #10. This will assemble the gong. Bang the gong a maximum of once every 24 hours (in game time) to see what impact it has on the village. For more Virtual Villagers game play, be sure to download the and read my.
Strategy: Your little band of villagers has washed up on a remote island, and they�re lost and confused. There are two basic objectives in Virtual Villagers: successfully managing the day-to-day routine of your little band of castaways, so that they are able to thrive in their new home, and unlocking the mysteries of Isola. The former is absolutely necessary to make sure that your little villagers survive, which will allow you to pursue the second objective of solving the puzzles.
The trick is in finding the right balance between the two. The more villagers you have, the faster they can research new technologies and solve the puzzles, but having too many mouths to feed can quickly deplete available food supplies and spell disaster for your tribe! The first thing you need to work on in Virtual Villagers is making sure that your villagers� basic needs are met. Their most urgent need is food, which you�ll find in limited supply at the berry bush. They will soon need additional housing, too, and there is already a partially completed hut that your builder can get to work on.
Turning on tutorial mode (Help) the first time through the game will help familiarize you with the mechanics of playing Virtual Villagers. A good strategy for success early in the game is to make sure that you keep the food supply above the 300-400 level, if at all possible. Your villagers will be less worried about food, and much more productive if you do that.
Don�t be in too big a rush to create a baby boom, or you might find yourself scrambling to save your tribe from the brink of starvation. There are some important points to keep in mind as you develop your own strategy for playing Virtual Villagers: • The berry supply is limited and you�ll need to find another food source as soon as possible.
• Nursing mothers devote all of their time to caring for their baby and don�t do any productive work in the village for 2 years of game time. • Babies eat as much as adults and making too many babies too soon can quickly create a food crisis. • Any villager (even a sick one) can heal another villager, but healing is only possible when a villager�s status is �Sick� (check the Details screen). • Sometimes a villager will 'resist' healing attempts by a specific doctor. If that happens, try to heal your sick villager again with a different villager.
• Sick villagers need to be healed or they will weaken and die [*] Villagers can become weakened by such things as prolonged disease, starvation, on-the-job injuries, animal attacks, or old age. • Villagers who show a status of 'Weakened' will generally improve in health over time unless they are sick, elderly or continue to suffer injuries. • The villagers need to be taught to perform a job � they will not initiate tasks in an occupation in which they have no skill.
• You can view information about various technology advancements on the Village Tech screen by clicking on the �?� button for that technology. This information will help you choose the order in which to purchase new technology.
• The villagers� curiosity is often a clue to puzzles. • The children can find and harvest a certain kind of food. • Picking up a villager while they�re working will interrupt them, and they will drop the object that they were carrying. General puzzle strategy guide: Most of the puzzles are dependent upon some combination of Village Tech, villager skills, and other puzzles. Although some puzzles depend upon the completion of specific puzzles, the 16 puzzles are rarely completed in the order that you see them on the puzzle screen. Pay attention to the things that your villagers are curious about and the messages that you see when you take one of your villagers �exploring� around the island. These often provide clues that will help you solve the puzzles.
Another good strategy is to drag one of your adult villagers around the island after every tech purchase and look for new things that they can work on. Most of the frustration related to solving the puzzles is brought on by impatience. It takes time for your villagers to gain the necessary skills and technology to work through all of the puzzles. Is there a limit in the population size? The population limit is around 90 villagers. I always run out of berries before I can get enough tech points to increase my harvest level? Try to put more people at the research table.
Also you don't need to always have someone at the berry bush. If there's enough food in your bin (like 150 or so. Even 100 is good for early on in the game), allow that farmer to do some research.
Then once your food dips below a certain point, put that farmer back on the berry bush. Remember also that children can spot mushrooms around the village and help increase the food level. At what age can kids start working and breeding? Working at 14 and breeding at 18. How do you build buildings new huts? Just drag a villager on the construction site (foundations) and he will start constructing. It may take a few tries to get the villager started.
How do I know where to start construction? Drag the villagers around (hold the villager and don't let go) and they will tell you what they see. How do you accumulate tech points? Drag a villager to the research table (center of the village) and they will initiate research and start gaining points.
You can also check the preferred skill box for research so that they prefer that activity over the others! What can children do? Children can spot mushrooms around the village. But act quickly, because mushrooms wilt rapidly in the sun. Puzzle 6: Here the lagoon must be completed. Then you drop a Master Farmer into the lagoon, and he will begin hunting a strange fish.
This fish is only found in the lagoon, so don't even try the ocean, LOL! Level 3 of Harvesting is required for him to be able to find it. The pop up (Celebration time) about the fish will not appear until the farmer has placed the fish in the food bin. - Submitted by Blessyngs Puzzle 11: The temple is puzzle 11. The ruins found in the lower right will be restored as the temple.
You must have completed level 3 of construction. Simple drag a villager (I use a master builder, though other occupations will help;) drop the village in the pile of ruins, and for their action it should say restoring the temple.
If they walk away, keep dragging them back. You can also drag other villagers to the ruins and drop them there. This take quite a while to complete.
Please be patient! - Submitted by Blessyngs Puzzle 15: As for the Puzzle 15, the buried avoid spoiling it for those who want to find it on their own. Your tribe MUST have all 3 levels in Construction and Science. Here's a hint on finding the treasure.drop a master builder (as the treasure can ONLY be found by a master builder) south of the food bin in line with the temple.but I am not saying where on the temple. Drop him/her in the sandy area south of the food bin in line with the temple.
Patience, as it takes them a while to find it. - Submitted by Blessyngs Golden Child: You MUST have completed the reconstruction of the temple, the idol, and the lagoon, and you must have level 3 in Fertility. Other levels of tech skills are needed also and you must have them to complete the lagoon, the temple and the idol. He is always a male and is very important to the game. The boulder cannot be moved without him, not can that orange plant in the back by the lagoon (that looks like it could bear fruit) actually become fruit bearing. Take a nursing mother and place her in the lagoon, babe in arms. The golden child immediately walks on the water and wears gold colored clothes.
Your entire village will run back to the lagoon. - Submitted by Blessyngs Patch of dead flowers: I drag a master farmer to the patch, where he/she will automatically head for the lagoon, (the action will read 'Watering strange patch' You do not have to worry about them using well water for this patch. They will automatically use the water from the lagoon ONLY! This patch requires an enormous amounts of water.
I grab and drop every adult in the patch, and drop them there, and they all head for the lagoon. It is quite a sight to see the procession of them coming from the lagoon with their bowls filled with water. After they have watered, your master farmers usually automatically continue to return to the lagoon and repeat this action. I suggest you keep an eye on the patch as your builders, researchers, etc.are more likely to water with their one bowl and try to wander off.
Pick them up immediately and drop them right back in the patch and they will again head for the lagoon. Your farmers pretty much continue with the water on their own, it is the other occupations you may have to continue to pick up and drop back in the patch.
This is another major project and due to the enormous amount of water required to restore the flowers, this one takes a while to complete. - Submitted by Blessyngs Herb Mastery: The four plants necessary for herb mastery which is puzzle 8 are located in 4 places. 2 are on the east side of the village, the rose and the purple tulip/lily looking flower, one is in the back near the boulder. It is a cactus.
The 4th is on the west side of the village and south of the lagoon. I am unsure what it is, bit it is a green plant with a round green thingy in the middle LOL. - Submitted by Blessyngs Virtual Villagers - Getting Started - By Blessyngs Hello to all! To those who are just beginning the game.these are the steps I follow to get started. You may have your own methods.
I have lost count of the times I have completed the game. My best guess is 12 as of today. These are some tips for getting started. I could write a novel here, so this will be done in sections as I think of something helpful, or as required by questions.
The game always begins with 7 villagers. One is always a child. As anxious as we are to increase our population, I strongly suggest you do not begin populating your village until your food supply is ample, as the children eat as much as the parents, and some of those crops take 5 hours + to come up! Also the nursing mother will do nothing but care for the baby for 2 years. (I have yet to determine how many hours that is in game time.) We don't want a valuable researcher sitting doing nothing so early in the game. And children will not work until they are 14 years old. I have been through the entire game a lot now.
I never tire of it, as the villagers are always different.some are stubborn with minds of their own, some are great workers, etc.I find the game exciting and fun each time I play and can't wait to see what surprises the game has in store. It is different every time, and I love it! The puzzles remain the same, but the game throws different surprises your way.' To drink the fizzy liquid or not to drink it?' I click yes for help regardless of how well I know the game.
I personally do this with every game. The adults in each game can vary in the number of each sex. I have had games start with 4 men, and 2 women, 3 of each and with 4 women and 2 men. I have never seen 5 of one sex and only one of the other. And of course you have 1 child. One of your villagers will ALWAYS come with building skills, and most likely carry the title of builder trainee.
ALL jobs can be done by either sex. I immediately make one villager a farmer by clicking one of them, and then clicking details, and checking the farming box.
(you can also change their first name from the details box.) One will already be a builder, and that leaves us with 4. I click all 4 remaining villagers individually and then click details, and I make them ALL researchers.
I do this to ensure that the tech points from researching will begin to build. Try and get those points to purchase the second level of farming BEFORE the farmer you selected to forage has picked the berry bush clean. You could find yourself in trouble if this happens. Drag all 4 of your researchers to the research table, as your builder will be building the first hut, and your farmer will be foraging. Remember your villagers are very curious, and tend to wander off to explore other things. Keep dragging them back to the research table. If they look at you and say 'Uh Uh' LOL Just say 'Uh Huh!'
And drag them back to the table, they will eventually catch on to the research idea. Once your builder has completed the first hut, there is not much else he can do until you purchase the 2nd level of construction. He can clean up the shipwreck debris on the beach, but I still let him do research to get those points as I know it will be a while before I have level 3 in farming which is fishing, so the debris on the beach is not important yet. I click on my builder and then click details, and check research. ( Once again, the villagers name can also be changed from the details screen.) Whatever job you have checked will be the dominant job they do, although they will do others providing they have some skill in the job. My builder is now researching and adding to the tech points instead of standing or wandering around doing nothing. The first thing I purchase is level 2 of farming.
In the beginning of the game, it is crucial to be able to supply food, otherwise you find yourself with no villagers, due to starvation. OK we have enough points for level 2 of farming finally. Go to Tech, click buy on farming. The game will give you level one of all the items in tech in the beginning. You must work for the others. OK, we just purchased level 2 of farming! You will see the soil just below the research table looks like it has been tilled.
Now take your farmer and drop him in this soil. He will begin to plant and water crops. It might take him a few tries, so be patient. At this time, I click one of my researchers, and click details and check farming.
Now my researcher is doing farming. So I have 2 villagers working on planting and watering crops. Please remember you can change the job of any villager at anytime by click on them, then details, and check the job you want them to do. Remember they are untrained in the beginning in the new job and need time to learn. If they walk away from the new job, drag them back. Continue doing so until they are doing the new job. When a villager is carrying something, be it a bowl of berries, veggies, laundry, a fish, etc.DO NOT pick them up!
If you do, they drop the item they are carrying. The women will not drop the babies though. Now if you want a farmer who is doing laundry to harvest the crops, pick him anyway and let the laundry fall, because he is needed to do something more important than laundry. You may click on villagers carrying items, but do not pick them up, unless the item they are carrying is unimportant. (laundry) Laundry is not an issue in the beginning, but it is one the lagoon blockage is cleared.
Any questions thus far, please ask! Happy Gaming! Xoxoxoxo's - Submitted by Blessyngs Walkthrough: Virtual Villagers - 16 Puzzles and What Do They Mean? - By Blessyngs Let me start by saying if you wish to discover all this on your own.READ NO FURTHER!! I will be doing the puzzles from left to right, starting with the top row. Remember you villagers will celebrate at the completion of each puzzle: Puzzle 1 requires a builder to uncover the well which will supply water to you villagers. If you use the help feature, this puzzle is accomplished during the tutorial.
Simply find your builder by clicking the villagers and looking at their occupation to find the builder. Pick up the builder and drag him/her to the well. They will uncover it immediately. Puzzle 2 is the completion of the hut which has some building done on it already.
After your builder uncovers the well, drag him to the partially constructed hut, and he will complete it. Puzzle 3 is the completion of cleaning up the shipwrecked debris on the beach.
Your farmers will not be able to fish with debris on the beach. They cannot access the water until the debris is moved. Level 3 of Farming is required for fishing. Puzzle 4 is the founding of the school. Drag and drop a master scientist to the east end (side near the food bin) of the building opposite the research table. The action will read: Founding a school. Puzzle 5 is the clearing of the blockage of the lagoon.
You must have level 2 of Construction to complete this puzzle. Drag a master builder to the pile of rocks blocking the lagoon and they will begin to clear the rocks. This puzzle is very important. It must be completed for 2 other puzzles to be completed. Puzzle 6 can only be completed providing you have completed puzzle 5, and you must have level 3 in Farming. Drag and drop a master farmer into the lagoon.
He will begin to search for a strange fish. If he emerges without the fish, throw him back in. It will take several tries, so patience!
And keep putting him back in the lagoon until he emerges with the fish. He will take it to the food bin, and the celebration begins! Puzzle 7 is the discovery of the graveyard. You need 2 things to complete this puzzle. You must have level 2 of Spirituality and a dead villager! Drag and drop an adult villager into the barren cracked dirt area in the upper right hand corner of the village.
The graveyard is discovered and flowers will bloom. The villagers will celebrate and then begin burying the deceased.
After the first time, they will continue this procession each time villagers die. All adults stop what they are doing and take part. Puzzle 8 is the completion/discovery of herb mastery. There are 4 plants that one villager only will have to study. This gives the knowledge to the entire village and only needs to be completed once.
I have done this with villagers in different jobs, though those in the healing jobs, and researchers master the herbs quickly. Each of these plants are medicinal herbs. Two are located on the east side of the is a rose, the other a purple lily. One is located in the back of the village near the boulder. It is a medicinal cactus. The fourth is located just south of the lagoon.
Keep your villager highlighted so you can see when it say's, 'Now your whole village understand the meaning of this herb.' Puzzle 9 is also dependent upon the completion of the lagoon. On the east side of the village there is the strange green patch/field where the little ones go when 'Nature is calling! LOL Drag a master farmer to the patch. He will begin to water it with water from the lagoon, NOT the well. This patch is watered with water from the lagoon only.
See how important that lagoon is? Other villagers of different occupations may be dropped in the patch also, some will stick with the watering, some will not.just drag them right back to the patch and they will water. It is a sight to see the procession of villagers with their bowls of water. It takes an enormous amount of water for the flowers to return. Puzzle 10 is a strange one as you cannot complete it until you complete Puzzle 14. Puzzle 10 is the return of the fruit to the fruit bearing orange plant in the back left of the village just near the lagoon.
In order to complete this Puzzle, you need the Golden Child (Puzzle 13) and the butterflies he summons (Puzzle 14) in the flower garden to pollinate this fruitless, fruit bearing plant. Did that make sense?
LOL Puzzle 11 is restoring the temple from the ruins found in the lower left of your village. Drag and drop some Master Builders over there!
Make sure you have Level 3 of Construction!!! Puzzle 12 is completion of the idol.
This is chiseled out of that huge rock that the villagers are so curious about. In order to carve/chisel the Idol, they villagers must have completed the restoration of the temple, and have Level 3 in Spirituality!!! Drag and drop your builders to the roc and they will begin chiseling.
Puzzle 13 is the birth of the Golden Child. Before his birth, you must have completed the idol, the lagoon, and you mush have Level 3 in Fertility! When these thing are completed, take a nursing mom to the lagoon and drop her in the water. The baby immediately becomes the golden child and walks on water all adorned in gold. There is a great celebration. Puzzle 14 is dependant on the completion of the flower garden, and the birth of the golden child. Drag him and drop him in the flowers and he summons butterflies.
When you see the butterflies, move the golden child back to the orange fruitless plant back near the back of the lagoon. (Puzzle 10) The butterflies fly around the plant pollinating it, and the fruit returns. Puzzle 15 is the buried treasure. Only a master builder can locate it. Grab a builder and slowly move him around that area until it says he sees something, or 'Can something be buried here?' Then drop him. May take several tries.
Other villagers will join in. Your village must also have Level 3 in Construction and Science. I think I gave you all a hint to the location yesterday.
If you don't want to know, STOP READING! The buried treasure can be found south of the food bin in the sandy area. It is located in line with the temple and food bin. But where?;) Puzzle 16.last but not least!
The moving of the boulder by the golden child. An amazing little guy to watch, and throws parties at the most inopportune times sometimes, LOL And you did all that pushing for nothing! Ouch, my arms! Hot tub, and cook out! My house!;) Hints and things you didn't know coming soon to a puter near you!:) Feel free to ask questions! Xoxoxoxo's - Submitted by Blessyngs.
Special thanks for providing this excellent tutorials, they will be extremely useful for all our visitors. Virtual Villagers Real Time: ' To Move The Clock Ahead Or Not?' By Blessyngs We all know that Virtual Villagers is played in real time. The game will follow your computer's clock. One hour of game time is equal to one hour on your computer clock. To change the time, I simply exit my game, and click my clock in the lower right hand corner. The clock screen pops up.
I move it forward, and you must remember when moving from 11 PM to 12 AM, to change the PM to AM, and change the date. I have experimented and moved it back, and it DID NOT reverse my game. It seems to save it where you click quit. Upon using this cheat, and returning to the game, all villagers were dead. I must tell you I killed my first 6 villages::::sobbing uncontrollably::::: While we do know that an hour of game time equals one hour of computer time.there are many things I have been unable to determine. The game tells us that a nursing mother will do nothing more than care for her baby for 2 years. What we do not know, is, how long 2 years is in Virtual Villagers time?
My best estimate is possibly somewhere between 3-5 hours computer time. While I will admit that using this cheat of moving ahead the time on your computer's clock can be advantageous in many ways, I suggest not using it until you have reached the 3rd level of Farming, or know for certain that food supplies are ample, and there is no danger of losing your village to starvation.
I have also had problems with the crops not coming up when they are supposed to. If you click on the dirt, it will tell you how many minutes there are left until the new crops come up. I have moved my computer's clock the amount of minutes it says for the crops, and gone back to no crops, 0 food, and 0 villagers. For this reason I advise waiting until you have completed farming, or are SURE you have ample food before moving the clock. For those of you who cannot wait to populate your village, and have nursing mothers, I suggest waiting until your farmers are fishing on their own without you having to drag them repeatedly into the water. The cheat seems to work fairly well once your farmers are fishing on their own, and you have a population higher than the original 7. You want to make sure you have researchers so the tech points will accumulate quickly.
(hence the main reason for even using this cheat.) If you have 6 or 7 researchers and move your time ahead 6 hours, you will return to a lot of tech points and possibly a beach cleared of debris, or an unblocked lagoon. What a time saver! Using this cheat does not in anyway make your villagers complete the puzzles themselves. You still have to drag them to the lagoon where you get the action 'Clearing blockage' or to the strange patch where the action is 'Watering strange patch ' or 'Restoring the ruins.' These puzzles can take quite a while to finish.
Then again, you can also turn your computer off, go to bed, and come back to find the same things completed in the morning. You cannot make the Golden Child move the boulder, however you may find it moved upon returning from moving your clock ahead. I once moved it ahead 24 hours and my villagers still had not finished digging and uncovering the buried treasure. These little people are slow, I tell ya! To sum things up, the cheat is helpful in getting those huge amounts of tech points needed for the 3rd level of everything, and a time saver once you have established your villagers are in NO danger of starvation!! When you have finished playing for the day, you may reset your clock to the correct time and date, and there will be NO reversal in the game. That's about it on using your clock to speed thing up!
Please feel free to ask any question's! Play around with your game and experiment moving the time maybe only an hour ahead at a time to start. You won 't notice much difference with an hour though, but check it out and see for yourself! I have completed this game many times, and have begun to set new strategies for, how fast can I clear the blockage in the lagoon from the beginning of the game? How fast can I go from start to the blooming of flowers in the strange patch? There is just no end to what you can do with this game! As I said earlier, I am now getting only 6 villagers to start and 50 units of food, and 500 less berries on the bush!
The more times you play, the more things change, and the more of a challenge the game becomes. I am unsure if this is really a cheat per say.since we are just making time go faster and the villagers are doing the same things they would be doing if we did not move the clock.Hmmmm.
To Move The Clock Or Not? Happy Gaming! Xoxoxoxo's - Submitted by Blessyngs. More hints for the 16 puzzles: You can safely browse these if you just need a gentle push in the right direction.
Each puzzle is referred to by number. The puzzles are counted sequentially, with 1 being the leftmost puzzle in the top row, and 16 being the rightmost puzzle in the bottom row. - Puzzle 1 is something that a builder can to do to provide a source of fresh water for your tribe. - Puzzle 2 allows your population to grow larger by providing additional housing for your villagers. - Puzzle 3 allows access to the ocean. Villagers don�t like dirty beaches. - For Puzzle 4 you should take a highly skilled villager exploring just north of the research table.
- Puzzle 5 requires a certain level of Village Tech. Take a villager exploring in the northwest portion of the island. - Puzzle 6 requires a certain level of Village Tech, a highly skilled villager, and the completion of puzzle 5. - Puzzle 7 allows your poor, departed villagers to receive a proper burial. Level 2 of a certain Village Tech is required, along with a peaceful place away from the hubbub of village life. - Puzzle 8 has no dependency on either Village Tech or other puzzles, and can be completed very early in the game. It involves more than one game location.
- Puzzle 9 depends upon the completion of puzzle 5. Take a villager exploring on the east side of the village. - Puzzle 10 depends upon the completion of puzzle 14. Take a special person exploring the island. - Puzzle 11 requires a certain level of Village Tech. Take a villager exploring on the southeast side of the village.
- Puzzle 12 depends upon the completion of puzzle 11 and additional Village Tech. Take a villager exploring on the west side of the village.
- Puzzle 13 will produce a very special person who will be able to do very special things. Certain levels of Village Tech and the completion of the idol are required to complete this puzzle. - Puzzle 14 depends upon the completion of Puzzle 13.
Take the special person exploring the island. - Puzzle 15 has no dependency on other puzzles. It can be solved as soon as you have the necessary Village Tech and a villager who has mastered a specific skill. Unlike the way you located the other puzzles, you have to actually [b]drop[/b] your skilled villager in the right place to find what you're looking for. Dragging him around the island won't reveal the location. - Puzzle 16 depends upon the completion of puzzle 13. A special person will do something that no other villager can do.
Tips: If you've unblocked the magical lagoon take a mother with her child & put her in the lagoon. That seems to be the ticket to the whole thing. The mother than has a golden child which is 1 of the puzzles, the golden child then moves that pain staking boulder, makes fruit grow on the fruitless tree, makes crops grow, summons the butterflies, fills the berry tree, makes the garden grow etc. He's the key to it all. Good Luck - Submitted by Harbour_Lights Puzzle hints: Puzzle 1: 'Why is this well covered?
Puzzle 2: 'Let's build a house from this scaffold!' Puzzle 3: 'I can't swim in this water.
There's too much smashed Boat Debris.' Puzzle 4: 'I have finally mastered researching! Now let me see what buildings I can convert.' Puzzle 5: 'All these rocks are closing this stream!' Puzzle 6: 'I've just caught a great food source in the lagoon!' Puzzle 7: 'My mother jhas died!
I should bury her in that calm and peaceful clearing.' Puzzle 8: 'Look at all these herbs. I should study them.'
Puzzle 9: 'Now that the lagoon is opened, let's water the plants with some better water. Puzzle 10: Someone special regarding Puzzle 13 will do something to the flowers from Puzzle 9. Puzzle 11: 'These Ruins sure need a tuneup.' Puzzle 12: The mystery of the Big Silvery Rock is solved.
Puzzle 13: 'He just crawled out of my hands and into the lagoon. Naturally I went in with him. When he came out, something happened.' Puzzle 14: 'After he came out, he went to the Berry bush and summoned Butterflies!'
Puzzle 15: 'What's this in between the ruins, the Laundry closet and the food bin!?!' Puzzle 16: ' My baby!
He just pushed over a boulder? What has happened to him since he crawled into the lagoon?' - Submitted by Thessalor Tips - Mushrooms: If you drag 2 or more children to pick a mushroom, all kids will be able to pick one and you will be bringing more food to the food basket. Make sure you do this really fast though, because these mushrooms can evaporate fast. - Submitted by mimi Tip - Research: Once the quests are done the villagers don't want to research anymore, so get 3 or 5 females to do research and 3 or 5 females to learn to be doctors and 3 or 5 females to be builders, then make them all become trainee parents, then you have the ultimate balance.
Your gen-x will have ample doctors, scientists and builders along with your too many farmers. - Submitted by Hmmm Cheat - Using time: Here is a cheat for you you set your desk date to the year 1990 & start your game. Pick the one with Seven villagers One Farmer, Two Builders, Two Researchers, One doctor, One kid.
Let them learn thing when they Know what to do. Change the date to 1991 Buy thing start making kids & let them learn new things. Keep doing this & it will speed up the game for you. - Submitted by Apple Mushroom spawning: Caveats: Not sure if this is a cheat, exploit or what. Also, just found this out, so have not determined exactly how it works. Mushroom spawning seems to be related to foraging. Having a Master Farmer forage seems to create a mushroom all the time, whereas Adept or Trainee farmers spawn it only part of the time.
Other factors may be involved (a time lapse, crops and fish work too) so this needs feedback from others. Note that this can keep a village alive so long as the game is played actively, there are plenty of children (use exploit where multiple children can quickly pick the same mushroom) and berries remain in the bush (berries seem to respawn somehow if not completely picked) - Submitted by Jay Bee Drum: I was just wondering if any one else noticed that you can bang the drum next to school and all the children come running and move to the beat you play. I just thought it was kind of fun! - Submitted by Jo Mushrooms: You can capitalize on the mushrooms if you have multiple children. Pause the game, then drag and drop each child on the mushroom, and then begin play again. This usually results in multiplication of the mushroom. - Submitted by M13 If you happen to have some tips for this game, feel free to submit them and they will be published here.
Please click the following link to be taken to the. Story Intro: --------------------- Once upon a time.
There was a beautiful island where lost villagers made their home. They explored their part of the island and knew every corner. Only a mysterious cave had not been fully explored. One day, two intrepid villagers ventured into the dark recesses and discovered an opening behind the thick vines! Curious, they pressed through. Slippery rocks and a steep waterfall. And before they knew it they were carried down with the water!
With a bit of luck they landed in a deep, crystal-clear pool. They were on a new part of the island: the west side of Isola! Drenched and startled, they emerged to find they were not alone. Dirty, hungry-looking children. Who are they and where were their parents?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1: -- Do not put the tutorial tips on unless you really don't know how to play. Go to 'Details' and check all the adults for farming. [there are 3 of them] 2. Take all of the adults [3] and place them in the ocean. If an adult shakes their head, move them to a different part of the ocean to catch a fish. If one of your villagers turns 14, go to 'Part 2'. If not, keep watching your 3 adults fish.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 1. Select the 14 year-old villager and drag them to the blue rose next to the vines. They will study the rose and their healing skill will increase. Now go to the right of you and drag your villager over to the purple flower. They will also study this flower and increase healing. Now go below you and you will see a black flower vine. Again study this plant.
Then Go down the river and just after the vines with flowers are two small red flowers. Drag your villager here also.
Then go all the way to the bottom of the screen and go left till you see a orange-red flower. They will study this one as well. Last, go to the top-left of the screen and study the plant next to the dry grass. ____________________________________________________________________________________ You have completed puzzle 5:Herb Mastery ---------------------------------------------------- After thurough investigation of the local flora, your villagers mastered the use of Isola's indigenous herbs. Not only are healing powers improved, the variety of cooking herbs increased.
Part 1: When the ocean becomes algae-infested, go to details and set all of the adlts preference's to 'research' and move all the adults to the rsearch table and when you have enough tech- points, purchase level 2 farming [1000] and level 2 engineering [5000]. If you got both of these skills then go to 'Part 2'. If not, continue researching. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: When you have level 2 of farming and engineering, move one of your adults to the coconut tree and they will start harvesting coconuts. Then move one of your villagers [or all of them] to the stream where the rocks are. The villager [or villagers] will start building a dam. The best way to do this is to drag the villagers that are 'untrained' in building to the hut next-to the dam until they are trainees and then you can drag them to the dam.
_____________________ You have completed puzzle 2: The Dam ---------------------------------------------------- Your engineers have harnessed the power of nature by building a dam and redirecting the overflow of fresh stream water to a patch of fertile soil. As a result, your villagers can farm now! The dam also drained the southeast flats and will prevent further flooding in that area. PC (PC) cheats, cheat codes, guides, achievements, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more. has more content than anyone else to help you win all PC (PC) games! We're not just about console gamers. PC gamers will love our full collection of cheats for Windows and PC games, including mods and hacks for popular titles.
We're always on the lookout for the newest content for PC gamers, so check first before booting up and whipping out your joystick! Choose the starting letter for the PC game you're looking for, or browse our most popular games and cheats for PC. Welcome to the Walkthrough! Uncover fantastic mysteries; unravel the story of Isola, and save the Tree of Life!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. This document contains a complete Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the if you find you need more help. This walkthrough was created by TheRealBoo. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Game Basics • Click on Change Tribe to create, select or delete a tribe.
• Start Over will allow you to begin from scratch under the current tribe name. • Click on Options to access sounds, music and voiceovers controls, enable up to 4 music tracks, change between full screen and windowed mode and control the game speed. • This menu can be accessed by clicking the detail button on the main screen.
• Here you will find all sorts of information about your villagers. • You can see their portrait, name (can be changed), age, gender, status, skills, likes and dislikes. • You can scroll between villagers by clicking on the arrows below the portrait. • The villagers can be sorted out by age, skill or health. • The status bar will indicate if your villager is healthy or sick. If sick, make sure to drop a healer on them right away. • For nursing villagers a timer will appear under the status bar indicating how much time is left.
• Once a villager reaches the working age of 14, they can master up to five different skills: farming, building, research, healing and parenting. • Farming can be developed by collecting any type of food.
• Building can be developed by clearing the stream obstruction and building new huts. • Research can be developed by doing research in the lab.
• Healing can be developed by studying at the hospital and healing the sick villagers. This is accomplished by dropping the healer on the sick villager. • Parenting can be developed by telling stories to children, nursing babies and working on becoming a parent. • There are three different skill levels: trainee, adept and master. • You can set a preference for a specific skill by checking the correspondent box next to it. • Here you can see an overview map of the game.
• You can instantly move to any part of the game by clicking on the desired location on the map. • There are four sets of collectables that only your children can find. • They are: fish scales, mausoleum, wind flutes and research lab. • The fish scales appear to the left of the fish statue on the southeast corner of the screen. They are collected on the fish statue. Completing the collection will increase the maximum population.
• The mausoleum pieces can be mostly found around the center of the screen. They are collected on the mausoleum arch at the northwest corner of the screen. Completing the collection will increase the maximum population by five and ghosts of dead villagers will appear to point out rare collectibles. • The wind flutes can be found mostly around the center of the screen. They are collected to the right of the stream obstruction at the northeast corner of the screen. Completing this collection will increase the maximum population by five. • The research lab items can be found mostly around the center of the screen.
They are collected on the shelves in the research lab. Completing this collection will increase the maximum population by five and the researchers will earn tech points faster.
• Collecting items you already have will give you additional tech points. • There are six types of technologies that you can upgrade by using tech points: science, medicine, learning, construction, food mastery and dendrology. • Upgrading science will allow your villagers to earn tech points faster. • Upgrading medicine will allow your villagers to live longer, be more fertile and will reduce the frequency of disease on the island. Once you reach level three you can build a hospital for training and treatment. • Upgrading learning will cause your villagers to pick up new tasks faster.
Once you reach level three you can build a nursery school where children can be educated. • Upgrading construction will enable your villagers to build and repair various structures.
• Upgrading food mastery will increase your villager’s understanding about preparing and storing all types of food. • Upgrading dendrology will allow the villagers to fully understand and eventually heal the Tree of Life. • There is a picture of the Tree of Life that tracks its current level of health. There are six levels total. • Drop a villager that has mastered at least two skills on the nursery school to start teaching the children. This will give them a head start on skills when they reach age 14.
• You earn tech points by dragging a villager to the table in the lab so they can do research. • Some of the puzzles will require the upgrade of certain technologies. • Here you can track your progress in achieving up to 79 different trophies. • Use the vertical scroll bar on the right to browse thru them. • There are a total of 16 puzzles to solve. • Every time you complete a puzzle, the original image will be replaced by a game screenshot. • Click on a solved puzzle to see its name, a brief description and how long it took to complete it.
• Use the detail camera found at the bottom right of the main screen to quickly locate any villager. • Click on the arrows to browse thru the villagers. As each one comes up, the game will zoom to that villager.
• When the camera is blank and you click on the right arrow the youngest villager will be located. As you keep clicking, it will browse from youngest to oldest.
• Another way of selecting a villager is by simply clicking on them. • You can drag and drop any villager to any part of the screen.
• There are several ways of navigating around the screen. • You can left click on the ground and drag the screen around. • You can access the overview map and click on the desired area. • You can use the detail camera and browse thru the villagers.
The screen will move to their current location. • You can also use the numeric keypad to move around. Imagine the screen broken into nine grids where each grid corresponds to a number. For example, pressing #5 will take you to the center of the screen and pressing #9 will take you to the northeast area of the screen. • Making stews are a very important part of this game. • They are created by boiling fresh or salt water in a pot in the lab and adding herbs or foods.
• You must have three herbs to make a stew. • There are three herbs to make stews with: soapy plant, sweet plant and spicy plant. • The soapy plants are white flowers located to the left of the lab bridge.
• The sweet plants are yellow flowers located just above the lab. • The spicy plant is an orange flower located to the left of the Tree of Life. General Tips • For an easy start choose two kids (10 or younger), two young women and one young man. • Follow the tutorial the first time you play the game. It’s a great way to quickly familiarize you with the game basics. • The game keeps running even when you are not playing.
If you are planning on not playing for a while consider switching the speed to slow or paused. • Nursing mothers won’t work for a period of two years. • Females between 18 and 50 can become nursing mothers. • Children between the ages of 2 and 14 will not work, but they are the only ones that can collect mushrooms, flowers to make stew and collectables. • Make sure to pay attention to the weather. When it rains mushroom will appear more often and when it’s foggy collectibles will show up more frequently. • When the foundation for a hut shows up, you can pick it up and move it to a different location.
• You need to have at least 250 in the food bin to stop villagers from worrying about food and keep working on their tasks. • If you are running the tutorial it will show you how to start a fire. • To start a fire drop an adult onto the pile of wood that’s left of the staircase going up the cliff. Then drop an adult on the dry grass that’s between the wood pile and the staircase. Last, drop an adult onto the black circle with the wood and the grass on it. • You can pause the game at any time by hitting the space bar.
• This guide was designed to help you solve the puzzles as quickly as possible. Don’t be afraid to try more challenging combinations of villagers to start with. Puzzle 1: The Cutting Tool • Head to the large fish skeleton that is south of the food bin. • Drop an adult on the skeleton and they will collect three bones and heat them in the fire. • After the cutting tools are made they will store them in the science lab. • During each process three cutting tools are created. • You can store up to six cutting tools in the science lab.
Puzzle 2: The Stream • Head to the cascading waterfall. • Pay close attention to where it ends. • Look for the stream obstruction, left of the wind flutes, and drag a villager on it so they can begin clearing it. • You can use more than one villager to speed up the process. • Once the obstruction has been cleared, the water will surround the tree. • Head to where the waterfall used to end and you will find the keystone. • Drag a villager who is both an adept builder and an adept scientist to the stone and they will plug the hole to the left of the tree thus restoring the normal flow of the stream.
Puzzle 3: Boiling Water • There are two sets of bowls. At the top of the cliff you will find the set for fresh water and the bottom the set for salt water. • To boil water you have to first bring water to the pot in the lab and then heat it up with a red hot stone. • Drag an adult on the desired set of bowls.
They will fill the bowl with water and take it to the lab. • Look for a pile of stones at the bottom left of the bridge to the lab. • Drag an adult on the stones and they will take one to the fire. • Once the stone is red hot drag an adult to it and they will take the stone to the pot in the lab.
Puzzle 4: Soap Invented • The requirement to solve Puzzle 4 is: Puzzle 3. • Look for the soapy smelling flowers (white ones) located to the left of the lab bridge.
• Drag a child to the flowers and they will collect three of them and place them on a table in the lab. • Use an adult to fill the pot with salt water, heat a stone and boil the water. • Drag an adult to the table with the flowers to make soap. • When the water disappears from the pot, drag an adult to it and they will stack the soap on a rack. Puzzle 5: The Butterflies • The requirements to solve Puzzle 5 are: Puzzle 1 and Puzzle 2. • Look for a dry plant at the bottom of the stream, below the blackberry bush. • After solving Puzzle 2 the dry plant will begin to recover.
• Once the plant is green drag an adult to it and they will cut the leaves. • The adult will get covered in plant sap and butterflies will show up. • Very slowly (to make sure you don’t lose the butterflies) drag your villager to the Tree of Life.
• Once the adult is done wiping the sap on the tree, the butterflies will stay on the tree. Puzzle 6: The Frog Rescue • The requirement to solve Puzzle 6 is: Puzzle 2.
• Look to the right of the stairs going up the cliff. • When it rains you will see a puddle of water appear in this area and frogs will show up. • Drag an adult onto the frogs and they will carry one to the tree.
• Repeat this process until six frogs have been rescued. Puzzle 7: The Cooking Pit • The requirement to solve Puzzle 7 is: Level 2 Construction. • Look for an area covered in rocks next to two palm trees at the southwest corner of the screen. • Drag an adult there to remove the rocks. • You can use more than one villager to speed up the process.
• Once the area is cleared you need to move four hot stones to it. • Make sure you use more than one villager because if you are too slow the stone will cool down and you will have to restart the process. • Drag an adult to the banana tree located between the blackberry bush and the bridge. They will put leaves on the pit until it is activated. • Now you can drag adults to the fruit trees.
Puzzle 8: Cloth Invented • The requirements to solve Puzzle 8 are: Level 2 Science and Puzzle 1. • After getting Level 2 Science the foundation for a new hut will appear: The Clothing Hut.
• Once the clothing hut is finished, drag an adult on the pulpy vines located on the cliff wall to the left of the staircase. They will cut three pieces of vines and take them to the lab. • Fill the pot with salt water and boil it. • Drag an adult to the table and they will add the vines to the pot.
• Once the cooking is done, drag an adult to the pot. They will place the cloth pulp on a flat rock on the shore. • Drag an adult onto the pulp to make the cloth. This needs to be done ten times. • Have two adults working on the pulp at the same time to speed of the process. • When finished you will have three bolts of cloth which will be stored at the hut. • The clothing hut can store up to six bolts of cloth.
Puzzle 9: The Nursery School • The requirement to solve Puzzle 9 is: Level 3 Learning. • After reaching Level 3 Learning a new hut foundation will appear. • Drop some builders on it to start construction. • Once it is built, drop a villager with at least two skills mastered on it.
They will start teaching the children. Puzzle 10: The Mossy Rocks • The requirement to solve Puzzle 10 is: Puzzle 12. • Have an adult catch a fish.
This will make a crab appear on the beach to the right of the cliff staircase. • Very quickly pick up a child and drop it on the crab. Repeat again with another child. • Now drag an adult to the crab and they will pick up the crab and take it to the mossy rocks at the base of the pond. • You need to do this process five times. Puzzle 11: The Grand Feast • The requirements to solve Puzzle 11 are: Puzzle 7 and Puzzle 12. • Have the children pick up the three herbs: spicy, soapy and sweet.
• Fill the pot with fresh water and boil it. • Drag an adult to the table to start the stew. • Drop and adult twice on the food bin. • Drop an adult on the blackberry bush. • Drop an adult on the pier to get a fish. • Drop an adult on the fruit trees. • Drop a child on a mushroom.
• After everything has been added, drop an adult on the pot. • When finished, all the villagers will come get a bowl and gather around the fire. Puzzle 12: Fishing Nets • The requirement to solve Puzzle 12 is: Puzzle 8. • Drag an adult to the piers to repair them.
• Drag an adult to the piers after they have been repaired. They will use the cloth to repair the fishing nets. Repeat the process until the nets are repaired. • Now you can get fish by dragging an adult to the piers. Puzzle 13: Pruning the Tree • The requirements to solve Puzzle 13 are: Level 2 Dendrology, Puzzle 1, Puzzle 4 and Puzzle 8. • Drop an adult onto the sick branch of the tree. They will go get cloth to bind the branch.
• Drop an adult to the cutting tools and they will cut off the sick branch. • Drop an adult on the soap in the lab to clean the black spots. Puzzle 14: Honoring the Tree • The requirements to solve Puzzle 14 are: 20 villagers. • Make a stew with the following ingredients: fresh water, three sweet plants and food from the food bin. • Very quickly drop 20 villagers onto the pot and they will take the stew to the Tree of Life and honor it.
• The puzzle will be solved once 20 villagers are kneeling at the Tree of Life at the same time. Puzzle 15: Purifying the Tree • The requirements to solve Puzzle 15 are: Level 3 Dendrology and Puzzle 4. • You need an adult that is clean of body and mind to purify the Tree of Life.
• Drop an adult on the soap in the lab. He will put soap into the pond and suds will appear. • Drop the adult into the pond and wait until they are clean. You will know because there will be white sparkles around them. • Drop a different adult onto the nursery to move all the children there. • Drop the sparkling adult near the wind flutes and they will start to meditate. • Make sure no one disturbs the meditating villager.
• When the villager is done meditating they will be clean of body and mind, sparkling white and gold. • Drop the villager onto the hole in the Tree of Life. Puzzle 16: Decorate the Tree • The requirements to solve Puzzle 16 are: The first four steps in healing the Tree of Life and Puzzle 8. • Drop an adult onto one of the three crates located below the big round table in the lab. • They will take one braid and lay it down on the same flat rock used to make cloth. • Look for the purple hummingbird that will start to hover around some flowers.
• When the hummingbird flies away, drop a child onto the flower. • Keep dropping the child until the flower is picked.
• Drop more children onto the flower until six flowers have been added to the braid. • This process has to be done three times in order to cure the Tree of Life. You have completed Virtual Villagers:The Tree of Life! Welcome to the Living Legends: Beasts of Bremen Walkthrough. A dark fog is taking over Bremen!
Whether you use this document as a reference when [.] BASIC STRATEGIES Organization The first thing to consider is the importance of organization, and naming each villager helps. Select a villager, click the Detail button and change their name to one you can easily remember (like someone you know). This helps you remember who's who so you can stay on top of each villager. Exploration Explore early and often! The map's not very big, but there's much to be found. Drop your villagers onto anything that looks interesting. Even if it says they don't have the right skills or skill level, at least you know something is there!
Just about every part of your land holds some sort of secret. Keep notes of everything you discover for easy reference later. And, in case you didn't know, you can use the number keys to zip around the island. Keys 1-9 correspond to nine different sections of Isola. You can even pick someone up and quickly whisk them to the desired location.
Villager Aptitude Stay on top of your villagers and their skills -- Farming, Building, Research, Healing and Parenting. Initially, make sure you have at least one person working on each of the skills. Some puzzles require a specific level of skill, so you always want to be ready. Villagers need to be taught to perform a job.
So, keep an eye on them at the start of their 'career.' Some have short attention spans and will wander off. Eventually, as they learn their job and reach Trainee level, they will become more automatic at performing it.
Also, remember to assign skills to each of your villagers on the Detail screen. Note that some children are actually born with an aptitude in one or more skills, inherited from their parents.
Keep that in mind when making your assignments, as they will advance more quickly in a skill for which they already have a propensity. You can use this to your advantage, too, by playing matchmaker. If you need more builders, introduce a Master Builder to that special someone.
Some villagers have certain likes and dislikes, as well. These can effect how your character works.
For example, a villager who loves to run around would not be good at researching. In some cases, you may need to experiment with a villager to find their niche vocation. Developing Skills Skills in Farming are developed by gathering food for your community. At the beginning of the game, you start by dropping a villager into ocean on the west side of the map where they learn to fish.
This initially keeps a decent supply of food in the camp. Ultimately, your villagers will learn to climb nearby trees for yummy coconuts, and to plant and harvest crops. Building is fairly straightforward.
As you progress in technology, new foundations will appear on the map. Just drag and drop a villager onto these and they will begin building. Builders can also repair structures. One of the huts you start with is dilapidated, so repair it when you get a chance. In addition, many secrets are scattered across the map that only Master Builders can uncover. Keep an eye out! Research is the easiest skill to develop since it involves just the research table.
But, knowing where to invest your points can be tough. Use them on science early because tech points will accrue faster. This way, you can progress in all the other technologies sooner! Healing can seem a bit tricky at first, but a few easy ways exist to increase this skill. The first is obvious -- heal people!
When someone is sick, they wander over by the fire and sit on the ground. You can also tell if someone is sick if you hear them cough. Simply drop your healer onto them and they will be cured. If no one is sick, you can still develop this skill. Around the edge of the map are six plants to study.
Drag a villager onto one of these plants and they will begin examining it. The more they study, the greater their skill. These herbs, by the way, comprise one of the main puzzles and are used to create stews (see below). Parenting is the final skill, but an important one you need to manage correctly. If your population grows too fast, your villagers may starve. If it grows too slowly, workers will take a long time to develop.
So, try and find a healthy medium. Also be aware that a mother nursing a baby will do nothing else for the equivalent of two game years! Initial Play You begin the game with three workers (two adults and a teenager) and several young children. Assign one each to be a farmer, builder and researcher. Parenting can wait a bit (but, not too long), and healing can be done by one of your main villagers as the need arises. Once several more workers come of age, add another builder, researcher and farmer, and train someone as a Master Healer. Game Speed In regards to game speed, if you're going to actively manage your village, keep it on Normal or 2x Speed.
If you're going to be away for several hours or all night, put it on ½ Speed. If you're leaving it unattended for a day or more, Pause it. You don't want to came back to find most or all of your villagers dead of starvation or disease. Events Occasionally a 'random' event will occur that gives you a choice to make. For example, a crate may wash up on shore and you'll have to decide whether to open it or not. It could contain food supplies or diseased rats.
So, pay attention to the details and think carefully before you make a decision. The obvious choice may not always be the best one. Choose incorrectly, and you could end up in dire circumstances. Choose wisely, though, and you may receive a reward! Collections Occasionally, special items appear that only children can collect. Mushrooms add to your food supply, while other objects are part of special collections, specifically Butterflies, Shells, Beetles and Pebbles. Most of the time, children won't pick them up automatically.
You need to physically drop a child onto them. So, it pays to continually peruse the little island looking for these objects. If you already have a collectable, get it anyways as duplicates add to your tech points. Miscellany In-game tips can be accessed by clicking the mask on the main game screen (lower left). These are the same tips that randomly appear when the game is loading. The Big Bang Theory Season 1 Episode 2 Torrent.
Villagers who are sick should be healed as soon as possible. They will continue to grow weaker and die if not treated. If any of your villagers show a condition of weakened health, switch their job to something less demanding to aid in their recovery. Curiosity is often a clue to the location of the game's main puzzles. So, watch where your villagers go and see what they're interested in.
PUZZLE SOLUTIONS The following is a list of solutions to the game's puzzles, 16 in all. So, don't read further unless you need help solving them. Most of the game's puzzles are dependent on a mixture of technology and villager skills.
Plus, some puzzles need to be completed before you can accomplish others. Also, don't be fooled into thinking that they're completed in the order displayed, as that's not necessarily the case. Fire The first puzzle to be solved is starting a fire. Drop a villager on the wood pile in the southwest corner of the island and they will carry wood to the fire pit in the center. Then, take them to the pink flowers west of the coconut trees to collect some dried grass. Once the wood and grass are in place, drop them onto the fire pit and they will start a fire. Make sure to add wood occasionally to keep the fire from going out.
The Dam Once you reach Level Two Engineering, drop a builder on the rocks just above the pool of water in the southeast corner of the island. They will construct a dam to irrigate the fields to the immediate left so that crops can be planted. This will also uncover an ancient mosaic on the ground, the site of a later puzzle. The Scarecrow This puzzle requires the completion of the dam above. Once you plant your crops, you need a scarecrow to keep the parrots away. Drop an Adept-level (or better) farmer on the twisted pieces of wood and vine just below the rock pile in the north center of the map. You'll need to do this twice.
The Cutting Tool You need a cutting tool to clear the vegetation that covers the entrance to the cave in the north and the vine wall to the east. After you acquire Level Two Exploration, drop a Master Scientist on the sharp stones just above and to the right of the twisted pieces of wood and vine used for the scarecrow.
When he's done, take him back for a second trip for the wood and vines necessary to finish the tool. Herb Mastery This puzzle is easy to complete early in the game. Six herbs are located around the edges of the map. Each one will be identified as a 'strange plant' when a villager is held over it. Have a healer examine each one of them until they master it to complete this puzzle.
The location of each herb is as follows: • The green plant in the upper left hanging over the wall of stones. • The blue flower at the top center just to the right of the cave.
• The lavender daisy at the far top-right above the sacred area. • The black chain of flowers just above the waterfall on the east. • The bright red flowers southeast of the dam. • The large orange flower to the south of the village. The Elder Totem Once you have a villager who has mastered three skills, they become an Esteemed Elder. When this happens, a totem is created and placed in your village in their honor.
It can be moved anywhere you like. Sustainable Fishing When the ocean to the west is over-fished, it develops algae. To eliminate the problem and restore fishing, special algae-eating fish must be transported from the pond to the ocean. This requires Level Three Farming and a Master Farmer or Master Scientist.
Take them to the pond and drop them in. Once enough algae-eating fish are transported to the ocean, the algae will clear. The Vine Wall Along the east wall are a number of vines that conceal some strange markings. To uncover these, you must first complete the cutting tool and purchase Level Three Culture.
Drag a villager to the wall and release them. They will use the cutting tool to remove the vegetation.
The Stew In order to make stews, you must first recover the cauldron from the wood pile in the southwest. It will appear after you purchase Level Two Exploration.
With the fire burning and the cauldron next to it, drop a villager on the cauldron three times. Once each to put it on the fire, fill it with water and add food. Then, drop a villager on any of the herbs you have mastered adding a total of three to the mix in any combination (you can use multiples of the same herb). Of course, different selections of herbs will have different results. Keep track of the ingredients in all the stews you make. You want to avoid duplication and don't want to recreate a bad stew (it can make your villagers sick).
If you treat your villagers to the best, they will stay healthy and remain happy. Here are some recipes to get you started.
The numbers for each herb correspond to the herbs as listed and identified under Herb Mastery. 1+2+6 = Your villager feels healthier after eating. 1+5+6 = This stew gave your villager a burst of energy. 2+3+4 = This spicy stew clears your villager's nose and throat. 3+5+6 = This stew gives off a very sweet smell.
4+5+6 = Your villager feels healthier. 4+6+6 = Strange stew.your villager feels no need to breathe. The Ancient Ruins Once you've completed the dam and reached Level Three Engineering and Exploration, you can drag a villager to the ancient ruins in the southeast corner of the map and they will start uncovering the site. The Hospital Obtain Level Three Engineering and Medicine, and a foundation will appear in the south central portion of the map.
This lets your villagers build a hospital. The Sewing Hut Once you reach Level Two Culture, a foundation become visible for a sewing hut just east of the wood pile in the southwest corner of Isola. This allows your villagers to change clothing, but at a cost of 5,000 tech points each. Where's Thurston Howell III when you need him?
The Sunken Gong Piece One piece of the gong is located in the pool on the eastern edge of the village. This sunken gong piece is obtained by making a special magic stew consisting of one of the black flowers near the waterfall and two of the large orange flowers to the south of the village (herbs 4+6+6 as indicated above). Have a villager eat the stew, and then drop them in the pool. The Inlaid Gong Piece Once one of your villagers has become an Esteemed Elder and been honored with a totem and after you've completed the ancient ruins puzzle, drop a totem on the mosaic in the center of the ruins to retrieve another piece of the gong. The Boxed Gong Piece This piece of the gong is inside the crate on the beach to the west. Three Master Builders working together are needed to open it. The Overgrown Gong Piece After you purchase Exploration Level Two and complete the cutting tool, your villagers can clear away the vegetation blocking the cave to the north (the Gong Encasement).
Doing so reveals a piece of the gong. Complete Walkthrough and Solutions: Puzzle #1 - Building of the fire. When the game begins, one of your villagers is already a trainee builder. Drop them near the fire pit. The action will read: 'This looks like a good place to start a fire.'
Drag them to the woodpile near the bottom left of the village near the hut that needs repaired. They will gather firewood and place it in the fire pit. Next you must drag them to the upper left corner of the village, just behind the coconut trees. There is an area of dry grass that is used to start the fires. They will collect the dry grass and carry it to the fire. And last, but not least, pick up the trainee builder once more, and drop them right back by the fire.
They will light it. Puzzle #2 - This puzzle is the completion of the dam in the pond on the shallow end.
You must purchase level 2 of Engineering. Drop your builder/builders in the pond, and they will begin building the dam. Puzzle #3 - Building of the scarecrow. 'The Birds' will attack and destroy your crops after the first crop.
So, you want to get this scarecrow built as soon as possible. Level 2 of Engineering is required. You may use either an adept farmer or a master farmer.
Just behind the research hut/table, you will see twisted vines. Drag your farmer to the vines. The building of the scarecrow requires two trips to this area. The farmer will pick up some of the vines. The action will read, 'Building a scarecrow.' The farmer will carry his vines to the crop, and erect it at the north end of the crops. Pick him up once again, and drag him back to the vines.
He will again pick up vines. He will returns to the crops and complete the scarecrow.
You are now SAFE from 'The Birds.' Puzzle #4 - The Cutting Tools. After purchasing level 2 of Exploration, several objects will appear that you could not see before. Only adults can see these objects. There is no action if you use a child. Back behind the research table just to the left of the blue rose/flower you will now see a whitish colored stone with 3 dark gray/black vertical lines on it.
Select a master scientist and drag them to the area of the stone. They will bend down and pick something up, no idea what as the stone remains there. Action will read, 'Building cutting tools.' The scientist will return to the research area.
Grab the same scientist and drag them back to the vines found in the same area behind the research table. They will pick vines to use for handles for the construction of the cutting tools. You will see the tools appear in the upper left hand corner of the hut, leaning against the hut. Puzzle #5 - Herb Mastery. This puzzle requires locating and understanding of each of the herbs on the island. I am starting at the far left behind the coconut trees.
The first is a plant that reminds me of a Venus flytrap. Moving to the location behind the research will see a blue rose, a single purple flower just to the right of the blue rose, and there is a long strand of dark purple/black colored flowers just behind the diving rock. Moving down towards the end of the narrow end of the pond.there is an orange colored lily type flower, and lastly, there are 2 red flowers just below the dam.
Keep your villager highlighted with the white circle around them. Stay with that villager until you see the message: Now your whole village understands this herb. Puzzle #6 - The Esteemed Elder Totem Pole.
This is a totem pole that will appear in honor of ANY villager becomes a Master in ANY 3 combination of skills. You can pick it up and place it anywhere you want in the village. Puzzle #7 - Discovery of the Algae Eating Fish - To solve this puzzle, you must have level 3 of Farming. Drag and drop a Master Farmer, or Master Scientist in the pond and he/she will immediately locate the algae eating fish. They will walk to the ocean and put the fish in the ocean.
DO NOT pick up the farmer as he is walking!!! He/she will drop the fish if you do! I suggest using several Master Farmers/Scientists if you have them.
I did not count the amount of fish they put in the ocean, but it is probably close to 20. I had 2 farmers working on this. You will know when you have completed the puzzle as you will receive a pop-up that tells you, and of course, there will be a celebration. Your food worries are now over! Puzzle #8 - This puzzle is the unveiling of the writing on the wall behind the dam, under the covered vines. You will need all levels of technology except: level 3 of Science and level 3 of Exploration.
You must have purchased Level 3 of Culture Tech and have completed Puzzle 4. Then just drag a villager/villagers to the vine-covered wall and they will begin cutting away the vines. Puzzle #9 - The Stew. To complete this puzzle, you will need to locate the cauldron which is hidden under the woodpile. You must purchase level 2 of Exploration.
After the purchase, the cauldron will be visible to you under the woodpile. After the retrieval of the cauldron, you must have a villager make a stew. The villager who finds the cauldron will carry it to the fire pit.
Pick the villager up and drop them again. Action will read: Making a stew. Then the villager just walks away. Now, if you click on the cauldron, it will say: 3 herbs needed for the stew. Drag a villager to 3 herbs, one at a time.
Remember, DO NOT pick up a villager when they are carrying anything of importance as they will drop it! You may pick any 3 combination of herbs, but the villager can only add 1 at a time, so they will need to make 3 trips to the different herbs, (any 3 of your choice, there are many recipes.) After the villager has added the 3 herbs, drop them by the cauldron again.
Action will read: Adding water to the stew. The villager will walk to the pond and return with a bowl of water. After they have added the water, pick them up and drop them again near the cauldron. Action will read: Adding food to the stew. After the veggies are added, the stew is complete. You will receive a pop-up regarding finding the stew.
Celebration time! Puzzle #10 - Uncovering of the Ancient Ruins/Mosaic Floor. You must have level 3 of Engineering and Exploration. Drag your villagers to the floor located in the southeast corner of the village just below the dam. They will begin to uncover the floor. You may use as many villagers as you wish.
Puzzle # 11 - The Hospital. After purchasing level 3 of both Engineering and Exploration, the foundation for the hospital floor will appear.
To complete the puzzle, your builders must complete the construction of the hospital. NOTE HERE: Your sick villagers will no longer sit in the center of the village! When they are not feeling well, they will now go to the hospital! So make sure you keep checking the hospital for sick villagers!
It is located in the southeast corner of the village. This is the only building I have seen with no roof. Sick villagers will sit in front of the hospital. Puzzle #12 - The Sewing Hut.
You must have both level 2 of both Science and Culture. After you have purchased both, the foundation for the sewing hut will appear. Get your builders busy! When the sewing hut is completely constructed, your villagers can purchase a new outfit to the hefty tune of 5,000 tech points! Puzzles #13 - 16 - Completion of the Gong of Wonder - If you have cleared the briar patch, you have already found the first piece. Assuming you have not, piece number 1 will appear in the gong encasement as soon as you have cleared the briar patch located behind the research table and hut.
There is a crate laying on the shore of the ocean. You will need 3 Master Builders to open the crate. The crate will reveal another piece of the gong. One of your builders will carry it back to the gong encasement and hang it. If they don't, drop them back by the piece, and they will pick it up and do the above. To retrieve the piece deep in the pond, you will need to make a stew. The stew MUST contain the following 3 herbs: 1 sprig of the blackish/dark purple strand of flowers behind the diving rock, and 2 sprigs of the orange/red lily located at the southeast corner of the village.
Pirates 2 Stranger Revenge Full Movie Online. You must make sure you have them follow the steps to make the stew, and they must EAT it! Once they have eaten it, they will not feel the need to breathe, (thus allowing them to go in deep water.) Carry the villager to the top of the diving rock, and they will jump into the pond, disappear, and resurface with the gong piece.
They will then go hang it in the gong encasement. The final piece is located by dropping an Esteemed Elder Totem directly onto the middle of the ancient mosaic floor. You will need an Esteemed Elder totem to complete this step, and that is Puzzle #6.
You must also have the ancient mosaic floor uncovered, which is Puzzle # 10. Once all 4 pieces of the Gong of Wonder are in the encasement, you may have a villager ring it, once every 24 hours. The ringing of the gong will produce different effects on your village/villagers. - Submitted by Blessyngs MORE HINTS AND SOLUTIONS: Generations have passed since a small band of survivors first washed up on the southern shore of Isola. Through these many years they have struggled and conquered the challenges of rebuilding what they had lost.
Together they have faced storms, plagues, and temptations. Together they have labored, celebrated, and mourned. Life has been good, and the tribe has grown and prospered. The many descendents of those brave castaways have continued in the ways of their ancestors and have unraveled all of the island's mysteries. Or have they? Follow two curious, determined villagers as they make their way into the darkest recesses of the cave that had long taunted them. Plunge with them into dazzling sunlight and mist, as a magnificent waterfall at once cuts them off from their friends and family and brings them face to face with.
Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children challenges you in new ways to care for this fledgling tribe as you discover even more secrets of Isola. The unexpected awaits! As with Virtual Villagers: A New Home, your primary objective is to manage the survival needs of your tribe so that they can grow and unlock the secrets that await them on the western shore of Isola. If you manage them well, they will discover ways to conquer the sometimes hostile forces that threaten to overcome them. If you're not an experienced Virtual Villagers veteran, turning on tutorial mode (Help) the first time through the game will help familiarize you with the mechanics of playing Virtual Villagers. Food, as always, is your villagers' primary need, and you'll also need to provide adequate housing so that the tribe can grow in number and gain the skills they need to solve the puzzles of Isola. Be careful, though!
Grow your tribe too quickly, and you'll find that they have nothing to eat and will have to rely on the children to gather precious mushrooms to keep starvation at bay. You must find the right balance to be sure of success. There are some important points to keep in mind as you develop your own strategy for playing Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children.
• Some food supplies may be limited, so be alert for the opportunity to discover new sources of food. • Clicking on the mask on the main game screen will reveal many different tips that will help you play the game more effectively. • Nursing mothers devote all of their time to caring for their baby and don't do any productive work in the village for 2 years of game time.
• Babies eat as much as adults and making too many babies too soon can quickly create a food crisis. • Any villager (even a sick one or a child) can heal another villager, but healing is only possible when a villager's status is 'Sick' (check the Details screen). • Sometimes a villager will 'resist' healing attempts by a specific doctor. If that happens, try to heal your sick villager again with a different villager. • Sick villagers need to be healed or they will weaken and die • Villagers can become weakened by such things as prolonged disease, starvation, on-the-job injuries, Island Events, or old age. • Villagers who show a status of 'Weakened' will generally improve in health over time unless they are sick, elderly or continue to suffer injuries. Switching them to a less demanding job will help speed their recovery.
• The villagers need to be taught to perform a job; they will not start working in a new job on their own. It can be a good idea to monitor their learning progress until they reach Trainee status, so that they will work more reliably on their own.
• You can view information about various technology advancements on the Village Tech screen by clicking on the '?' Button for that technology.
This information will help you choose the order in which to purchase new technology. • The villagers' curiosity is often a clue to puzzles. • The children can find and harvest mushrooms to augment the village food supply, but only if you make them do it. • Using the keyboard to zoom around the map is an easy way to search for those collectible items. There are 9 sectors of the map, which correlate to the numbers 1-9 on the numeric keypad.
You can also use the row of numbers at the top of the keyboard, if your computer doesn't have a numeric keypad. • Picking up a villager while they're working will interrupt them, and they will drop (and lose) the object that they were carrying. General puzzle strategy guide: Most of the puzzles are dependent upon some combination of Village Tech, villager skills, and other puzzles.
Although some puzzles depend upon the completion of specific puzzles, the 16 puzzles are rarely completed in the order that you see them on the puzzle screen. Pay attention to the things that your villagers are curious about and the messages that you see when you take one of your villagers 'exploring' around the island. These often provide clues that will help you solve the puzzles. Another good strategy is to drag one of your adult villagers around the island after every tech purchase and look for new things that they can work on, since many of the technologies open up new possibilities for your villagers. Most of the frustration related to solving the puzzles is brought on by impatience. It takes time for your villagers to gain the necessary skills and technology to work through all of the puzzles. Hints for the 16 puzzles: You can safely browse these if you just need a gentle push in the right direction.
Each puzzle is referred to by number. The puzzles are counted sequentially, with 1 being the leftmost puzzle in the top row, and 16 being the rightmost puzzle in the bottom row. Puzzle 1 is something that will provide warmth, protection, and technological advantage to your tribe. It can be solved at the beginning of the game. Puzzle 2 requires a certain level of technology and will allow your villagers to enjoy a regular, if limited, source of food. Puzzle 3 requires the completion of Puzzle 2 and a skilled villager to fashion something that will protect one of the sources of food. Puzzle 4 requires a certain level of technology and a highly skilled villager who will fashion something that your villagers will need in order to completely explore some areas of the village.
Puzzle 5 involves the flowers and herbs located in various parts of the village. This puzzle can be completed at the beginning of the game. Puzzle 6 requires a villager with well-rounded skills. Puzzle 7 will open up an unlimited food supply by restoring the ocean to its former condition. You will need to have highly skilled villagers and a certain level of technology. Puzzle 8 reveals ancient writings.
Your villagers will need a certain level of technology, as well as the completion of Puzzle 4. Puzzle 9 requires the completion of Puzzle 1, a certain level of technology, a hidden item, and the flowers and herbs that your villagers can find in various parts of the village. Puzzle 10 requires a certain level of two different technologies. Drag a villager to the southeast part of the village.
Puzzle 11 is a special building that requires a certain level of technology. You will see a foundation appear, which your villagers can work on.
Puzzle 12 is another special building that requires a certain level of technology. You will see a foundation appear, which your villagers can work on. Puzzles 13-16 involve the recovery of pieces of the Gong of Wonder, which can be retrieved only after meeting the necessary requirements. Retrieving the pieces will variously involve teamwork among skilled villagers, purchasing of required levels of Village Tech, and completion of Puzzles 6, 9, and 10.
Your villagers will reveal some clues as you try various things in the game, and there will be more specific clues that you can study when you complete Puzzle 8. Detailed spoilers for the 16 puzzles: Don't read these unless you want to know EXACTLY how to solve each of the puzzles. Puzzle 1 involves building a fire in the fire pit. Drag one of your villagers to the pile of dry wood in the southwest part of the village to gather firewood.
After the wood is placed in the fire pit, take a villager to the very dry grass that can be found to the west of the coconut trees. Once the firewood and dry grass have been placed in the fire pit, drag a villager there to light the fire. You will need to replenish the firewood periodically to keep the fire from going out.
Puzzle 2 is the construction of a dam that will divert water from the stream to an area that can be used for farming. After you purchase Level 2 of Engineering Tech, drag a villager to the rocks that are in the middle of the lower portion of the stream. You will see a message, 'He/she could probably build a dam here.' Puzzle 3 is a scarecrow that an adept farmer can construct in order to protect the crops from the birds. Drag an adept or master farmer to the twisted pieces of wood and vines that are located in the northern portion of the village. The scarecrow requires two trips to complete, so make sure that you finish the construction, or your crops will not be protected.
Puzzle 4 is the fashioning of special cutting tools that will be needed to cut away vegetation in some parts of the village. After purchasing Level 2 of Exploration Tech, drag a master scientist to the northern part of the village where he will see something among the rocks near the twisted pieces of wood and vines. Your scientist will need to make a second trip to finish the tools, so take him to the twisted wood and vines to get the necessary materials. Puzzle 5 is completed when your villagers learn mastery of six special plants located in various parts of the village. Drag a villager to each of them and watch for the message that each has been mastered. The plants are (beginning in the northwest part of the village and moving clockwise): the odd-looking plant immediately to the left of the very dry grass, the blue flower between the thorns and the rocks, the small lavender flower at the northern edge of the graveyard, the black flowers near the waterfall, the bright reddish flowers south of the dam site, and the large orange-red flower at the south edge of the village.
Puzzle 6 is completed when you have sufficiently trained a villager to become master in three skills. That villager will become an Esteemed Elder, and a totem will be created to commemorate their new status in the village. Puzzle 7 is the elimination of the algae in the ocean that was caused by over fishing. After purchasing Level 3 of Farming Tech, take a master farmer or master scientist to the pond, where they will collect algae-eating fish that they can use to repopulate the ocean.
Once sufficient fish have been placed in the ocean, the algae will once again be under control and the villagers will have unrestricted fishing. Puzzle 8 is the removal of the vines that cover the wall on the east side of the village.
After you purchase Level 3 of Culture Tech and have completed Puzzle 4, drag a villager to the vine-covered wall and they will begin cutting away the vines. Puzzle 9 is the ability to make various stews for your villagers. To make stew, you will need to have purchased Level 2 of Exploration Tech, retrieved the cauldron from the wood pile, mastered at least one of the special plants, and started a fire in the fire pit. The steps to make a stew are: 1) Drop a villager on the cauldron to put the cauldron on the fire 2) Drop a villager on the cauldron again, and he or she will go get water for the stew 3) Drop a villager on any of the mastered plants, and the villager will gather herbs for the stew. Each stew requires a total of 3 herbs, in any combination. 4) Drop a villager on the cauldron again, and he or she will go get food to add to the stew.
When the stew is complete, the villager will move the cauldron off the fire. Some stews are good, some are bad, and some make your villagers do interesting things.
Experiment and have fun with them. You can also find different 'recipe books' that have been created for the game that contain all of the stew combinations. Puzzle 10 requires Level 3 of both Engineering Tech and Exploration Tech.
Drag a villager to the ancient covered floor in the southeast part of the village and they will begin uncovering the site. Puzzle 11 is the construction of a hospital. After you purchase both Level 3 of Engineering Tech and Medicine Tech, a foundation will appear that your villagers can work on. Puzzle 12 is the construction of a sewing hut, which will allow you to change the clothing that your villagers are wearing. After you purchase Level 2 of Culture Tech, a foundation will appear that your villagers can work on. Puzzles 13-16 are the pieces of the Gong of Wonder.
The four pieces can be retrieved in the following ways: • A team of 3 Master Builders can open the crate on the beach, where one of the pieces has been hidden. • After purchasing Level 2 of Exploration, your villagers can clear the thorns blocking access to the gong encasement, which will also reveal a piece of the gong. • Prepare a magic stew that will allow one of your villagers to dive for the sunken gong piece in the pond.
The herbs needed for that magic stew are: one of the black flower near the waterfall and two of the red-orange flower on the south side of the village. The pictures of the required herbs can be seen in the drawings on the wall once the vines have been removed. • After finishing Puzzles 6 and 10, drop a totem in the center of the uncovered mosaic to reveal a piece of the gong. Once the gong is assembled you can experiment with the effects that it has on your village. You can bang the gong once every 24 hours.
If you happen to have some tips for this game, feel free to submit them and they will be published here. Please click the following link to be taken to the.