Television And Radio Announcing Pdf Printer
Book Description The Broadcast Announcing Worktext provides you with the skills, techniques, and procedures necessary to enter this highly competitive field of broadcast performance. In addition to the principles of good performance, this book addresses the importance of audience and how to communicate effectively to various groups. Television and radio studio environments, announcer specializations and responsibilities, and developing a broadcast delivery style are just a few of the many topics covered.
Factual information is presented in brief, easy-to-digest modules and is enhanced with self-study questions and projects. The self-study provides an immediate check on what you learn, and the projects allow for a practical hands-on application of key concepts in the material.
This is the 21st edition of the Defense Information School. Broadcast Writing Style Guide. The purpose for this style guide is to provide both an introduction and a reference for military broadcast journalists. The primary audience is. DINFOS students at all levels learning the art of broadcast writing. We consider this guide a. Mugen Super Mario Char Download.
The worktext format, with many real-life examples, combines both traditional teaching and practical experience. A companion CD illustrates techniques and concepts in each chapter with audio and visual examples.
This third edition will give you knowledge of other non-traditional forms of announcing, such as online radio announcing, podcast announcing, and other forms of online announcing, such as online shows, clips, and news.
Office Media Center 103, 410-704-3184 Fax: 410-704-3337 Programs of the Department The Electronic Media and Film major is an undergraduate degree program that balances liberal arts with professional training. The program leads to either the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree and is designed to prepare students for career positions in film, television, video, radio, audio, and other media—as well as graduate studies. The Electronic Media and Film major focuses on the aesthetics, history, theory, and production of film, television, digital media, audio and radio. The major is divided into three concentrations: Film/Video/Digital Media, Radio/Audio, and Film and Media Studies. Within the concentrations, students are encouraged to develop skills in storytelling and writing, criticism and analysis, and media production. The Department of Electronic Media and Film strives to inspire creativity and foster talent and skills in a constantly changing digital world.
Students are encouraged to create collaborative and interdisciplinary partnerships; to discover real-world experiences through internships and service-learning opportunities; to explore artistic, social and cultural diversity through civic engagement; and to grow as enterprising and self-directed individuals who can practice creative entrepreneurship. Graduation Requirements All major requirements must be completed with a grade equivalent of 2.00 or higher. The Pass grading option is not available for courses applicable toward the major. Only 12 units, in any combination of internship and/or directed study, can be applied toward graduation. Of these 12 units, 3 units may also be applied toward the Film/Video/Digital Media concentration; 6 units may also be applied toward the Radio/Audio concentration; and 6 units may also be applied toward the Film & Media Studies concentration. Install Octave Windows Cygwin Emacs. Bachelor of Arts Degree Option Students may earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Electronic Media and Film by completing the intermediate (200) level of a foreign language.
Department Honors The department sponsors departmental honors where students pursue directed study leading to the completion of a thesis. Students interested in departmental honors should consult the chair of the department no later than the first term of their junior year. Honors are indicated on the graduate’s transcript and diploma. Transfer Credit Policy Transfer students are required to complete 21 units in residence toward the Electronic Media and Film major. The department will accept up to 18 credits of compatible transfer courses. Internships Internship eligibility requirements for Electronic Media and Film are as follows: • Junior or senior status • Admitted to the EMF major • Completion of courses related to the area of internship concentration, specifically: • and prior to any video or television broadcast journalism-related placement • and prior to any film placement • and prior to any radio or radio broadcast journalism-related placement • Cumulative GPA requirement: 2.75 overall; 3.00 in the major.
Waivers are considered by the department. Of the 12 units of internship (and/or directed study) that can be applied toward graduation, only 3 units may also be applied toward the Film/Video/Digital Media concentration; only 6 units may also be applied toward the Radio/Audio concentration; and only 6 units may also be applied toward the Film and Media Studies concentration. For additional information, see Student Opportunities on the EMF website. Scholarships The Department of Electronic Media and Film offers several scholarships for majors. For more information, see Student Opportunities on the EMF website. Departmental Activities Department activities include Annual Fall Film Series, the Annual Student Media Arts Festival, WAMM and other media events. Students are encouraged to participate in organizations such as The Movie Club, TAPS, Lambda Kappa Tau, NBS-AERho, XTSR radio, WMJF-TV, and the Digital Media Labs.
Admission Requirements Admission to the EMF major is granted only by the department. Admission to the university does not constitute or guarantee admission to the major. Students should file a Declaration of Major Form with the department and list themselves as a pre-EMF major (PEMF). • All students, before being considered for admission to the major, must attain a 3.00 GPA in the following three required courses: • • • Transfer students may complete the equivalent courses at their previous college or university, but they must attain the overall 3.00 GPA in the equivalent courses. • Students who have completed the required three courses with a 3.00 GPA must complete and submit a Declaration of Eligibility Form to become part of the student major pool.
Successful completion of the EMF required courses does not guarantee admission to the EMF major. Admission to the EMF major is competitive and is determined by the satisfactory completion of the required courses, the cumulative GPA and the evaluation of a submitted creative essay. This policy will apply to native and transfer students. • Admission to the EMF major is based on: • The number of majors that the department can reasonably accept without compromising the quality of its educational experience. No fewer than 75 students will be admitted to the EMF major within an academic calendar year.
• The satisfactory completion of the required admission courses, the student’s cumulative GPA and submitted creative essay. The candidates with the highest ranking GPA from the pool of applicants will be selected. • Creative Essay: As part of the admission process, students will be required to write a creative essay. All transfer students will also be required to submit an essay. Please tell us why you want to pursue a course of study in Electronic Media and Film. How have your life experiences, creative interests and professional goals influenced your choice of this major? Compose and attach on separate pages the essay (no more than 500 words or approximately two pages double spaced, printed with 12-point font).
The EMF Admissions Committee will use your essay to determine your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself clearly. The committee evaluates the essays for originality, clarity, personal insight and creativity. The essay will be used to make decisions in cases where the applicant’s cumulative GPA is marginal.
In such cases, it will be used to provide an additional means of evaluation for those who might not otherwise be admitted to the major. This policy is in effect for students entering Towson University as of July 1, 2007.
EMF 460 INTERNSHIP IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILM (1-6) Practical field experience. Under faculty and Career Center supervision, a student works as an intern with a professional in the field electronic media and film.
May be repeated for a maximum of 12 units, but only 6 units will apply to the major; the other 6 units may be used as general electives. Prerequisite: junior/senior standing, cumulative GPA of 2.75 and 3.0 in the major; completion of appropriate courses determined by the department. EMF 495 DIRECTED STUDY IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA PRODUCTION (1-6) Directed production project of joint faculty/student interest. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 units, but only 3 units can count toward the Film/ Video/ Digital Media concentration (the other 9 units may be used as general electives); and only 6 units can count towards the Radio/Audio concentration (the other 6 units may be used as general electives).
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, and approval of planned project by the instructor. IDFA 480 TOPICS IN ARTS, MEDIA, COMMUNICATION, AND SOCIAL ACTION (3) A multidisciplinary and collaborative service-learning seminar that explores complex problems of the Baltimore metropolitan region. Includes creative projects and fieldwork with civic, community, and/or non-profit organizations. Topics vary and could include homelessness, domestic violence, drug abuse, disabilities, housing, education, health issues, and welfare.
May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units when a different topic is covered. Prerequisites: junior/senior standing or consent of instructor.