KML Buffer Tool
Given a geographic coordinate in longitude and latitude, this application creates one or more circular buffers around that coordinate. The resulting circular buffers are formatted as a KML File which can be read in a variety mapping applications like GoogleEarth and QGIS. Below is an example of 5 concentric rings around Cape Canaveral Florida where is ring is 5 kilometers further from the center. The tool allows you to control the number of rings, spacing between the rings, and the color gradation. Creating buffer rings around a point is one of the most basic geospatial tasks. Ghita Munteanu Si Lena Miclaus Album 2012 Free Download. In the past we would simply use a paper map and a compass to accomplish this task; now we need analytical tools. Many GIS software packages already provide this capability, but I wanted to provide a simple way to create these types of radial buffers.
This application creates a KML file containing the rings. If you have GoogleEarth installed on your computer, you can just double click on the KML file and it will show up in GoogleEarth. This is project is not in anyway associated with GoogleEarth. This is purely an independent and Open Source effort to create a useful tool for the betterment of others. Please leave comments if you find this tool useful, find bugs, or can think of any improvements. Saravanan Meenakshi Serial Episode 9 on this page.
KML Buffer Tool is an intuitive utility that can come in handy to GIS (Geographic Information System) experts looking to enhance their KML files by creating a.